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Getting Started

To run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


Trackstarter is an AI-powered songwriting tool designed to inspire the creative process by generating unique chord progressions and melodies. It leverages Tonal.js to map musical scales to notes, randomly generates chord progressions given a "mood" (picks from a hardcoded map of Mood -> ChordProgression[]), then hands the chord progression to a pre-trained Magenta.js model capable of creating a two bar melody given chords as an input (inference happens right in the browser).

If you find a sequence you like, you can download it as a pair of MIDI files and drag it into your DAW, sequencer, etc. to turn it into a full song.

This is mostly an experiment/proof of concept, but it's capable of generating some compelling two bar ideas. Hope you enjoy it!


The app is built with Next.js/React, uses Jotai for state management, shadcn UI components, Tailwind CSS and WebAudio for playback.

In graph.ts, you'll find a React-virtual-DOM-esque audio graph/reconciler inspired by Elementary Audio. This lets us declaratively describe an audio graph, without needing to bother with the details of creating, updating, removing, and connecting AudioNodes. (Check out the useRenderAudioGraph hook) to see what this looks like.