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Common Ansible tasks for Debian systems


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  • Installs commonly used packages
  • Creates administrator accounts and adds them to the wheel, ssh-users and sudo groups
  • Removes roots password
  • Sets language, locales and keyboard layout
  • Configures hostname settings (hostname and /etc/hosts)


  • Remotely: A Debian-based distribution.
  • Locally: Ansible 2.9 or newer with the ansible.posix collection installed.

Role Variables

Name Mandatory / Default Description
common_admin_users {} Dict of admin users, see [User configuration](#User configuration)
common_users {} Dict of normal users, see [User configuration](#User configuration)
common_jumphost_users {} Dict of users that are allowed to use this host as SSH proxy jump host, see [User configuration](#User configuration)
common_default_admin_user_groups [adm,dialout,users,wheel,ssh-users,sudo] Default groups to set for admin users
common_default_user_groups [] Default groups to set for normal users
common_default_jumphost_user_groups [ssh-users] Default groups to set for JumpHost users
common_ensure_system_groups [ssh-users,wheel,sudo] List of groups to create
common_domain localdomain Search domain to set in /etc/hosts
common_locales [en_US.UTF-8] List of locales to install
common_keyboard_layout us,de TTY keyboard layout
common_default_language en_US.UTF-8 Default language
common_core_packages see defaults Common core packages to install (like locales or iproute2)
common_extra_packages see defaults Common extra packages to install (like less or htop)
common_custom_packages [] Custom packages to install, useful if you want to have some extra packages installed without copying and overriding the two lists abvove
common_core_keys [] Common core repo key urls to install
common_extra_keys see defaults Common extra repo key urls to install
common_custom_keys [] Custom repo key urls to install, useful if you want to have some extra keys installed without copying and overriding the two lists abvove
common_core_repos [] Common core repo urls to install
common_extra_repos see defaults Common extra repo urls to install
common_custom_repos [] Custom repo urls to install, useful if you want to have some extra repos installed without copying and overriding the two lists abvove
common_extra_files {} A dict with templates for extra files to create on the machine. See [#extra-files].

User configuration

Each key in the respective users dict shall be a username (used to log in), with the following dict as a value:

Name Mandatory / Default Description
name ✔️ The full name of the admin user
shell /bin/bash Path to the shell to set for this admin (this key is ignored for common_jumphost_users)
keys [] List of SSH keys that allow this user to login or proxy-jump via SSH
passwd hashed passphrase
allowed_hosts [] List of hosts and ports to which the user is allowed to jump to (via the current host). The format is {{ ip }}:{{ port }}. This key is only parsed for common_jumphost_users.
groups [] List of groups the user will be added to. This key overrides the default groups mentioned above (common_default_user_groups etc.)`.

Extra Files

The dict common_extra_files configures extra files to create on the machine. Each key must be a file path on the target machine and the containing directory must already exist on the machine. The corresponding value is a dict containing an _module key to choose the Ansible module used to create the file and additional key-value pairs that will be passed to that module. Supported modules (for _module) are copy, template and get_url. Examples:

    _module: copy
    src: zshrc # copies the file from ./files/zshrc
    _module: copy
    content: |
      #!/usr/bin/env bash
      echo Hello, World!
    mode: 0755
    _module: template
    src: resolved.conf.j2 # instantiates the file from ./templates/resolved.conf.j2
    _module: get_url
    mode: 0755

Example Playbook

- hosts: web01
    - role: common
          name: Max Mustermann
          shell: /usr/bin/zsh
            - ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5aaaaIEFmmHsB7LgVMmujy51QfoSS9hnN7GMEm+Mkcg1YVJnn max123
            - ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5aaaaIEFmmHsB7LgVMmujy51QfoSS9hnN7GMEm+Mkcg1YVJnn max321
          passwd: $6$mDFWEb5pDY$C9ZTuNjTTSyh0uIBoZALAV6isFY4dO8gBN2/xJ0yX2rejvr2wKp/wMmHwvoC.gD8NaeozxjhWvNHp3rJEJdJj1
          name: Lena Mustermann
            - ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5aaaaIEFmmHsB7LgVMmujy51QfoSS9hnN7GMEm+Mkcg1YVJnn max123
            - users
            - ssh-users
            - wheel
          name: Tim Mustermann
            - ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5aaaaIEFmmHsB7LgVMmujy51QfoSS9hnN7GMEm+Mkcg1YVJnn timey
          name: Tom Haverford
            - users
            - ssh-users
      common_default_language: de_DE.UTF-8
      common_keyboard_layout: de
        - de_DE.UTF-8
        - en_US.UTF-8
      # common_extra_files: # see the subsection above


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