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How to Run:

  • Make the file config.json in root folder with following parameters. (Sample given)
        "MONGO_HOST": "",
        "USERNAME": "<username>",
        "PASSWORD": "<password>",
        "DATABASE": "<db_name>",
        "COLLECTION": "<collection_in_db>",
        "ADMIN_USER": "<Admin User>",
        "ADMIN_PASSWORD": "<Admin Password>"
    Admin User and Password is used to authorize the requests.
  • Run
    to start the web server.

API Docs:

  • Headers required:

    • Authorization: <JWT Token>
  • GET /

    • DESCRIPTION: Healthy Point to verify
  • GET /authorize/<username>/<password>

    • DESCRIPTION: Get auth token for creating requests.
    • Returns JWT Token.
  • GET /getContacts/<offset>/<limit>/?<query_params>

    • DESCRIPTION: Fetch the list of contacts based on parameters specified.
    • offset (optional) : Starting point from where the list should be displayed. (Default: 0)
    • limit (optional. If given, offset is required as well.): Total number of items to display. (Default: 10)
    • query_params: Search params to give. For example, /? etc. For example,
      GET getContacts/?
      GET /getContacts/0/?
      GET /getContacts/0/2/?
    • Returns JSON list of objects.
  • POST /createContact

    • DESCRIPTION: Create new contact. Throws error if the any contact with same Email ID is already present.
    • Request Body: Data to send.
          "email": "",
          "name": "qwerty",
          "phone": "1111111111"
    • Returns Object ID or error.
  • PUT /updateContact/<id>

    • DESCRIPTION: Update existing contact.
    • Request Body: Data to send.
          "email": "",
          "name": "qwerty",
          "phone": "1111111111"
      Other fields if given are automatically rejected. Basic validations for Email, Name and Phone number is also present. If invalid data, it throws error.
    • id: Object ID to update.
  • DELETE /deleteContact/<id>

    • DESCRIPTION: Delete existing contact.
    • id: Object ID to delete.