This repository contains a sample minimal Flask application structure that includes:
- SQLAlchemy
- Alembic
- Celery
- py.test
It runs on both Python 2.7 and 3.5.
First, clone the repository and create a virtualenv. Then install the requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Before running the application make sure that your local PostgreSQL server is up. Then create the databases:
CREATE DATABASE flask_example;
CREATE DATABASE flask_example_test;
Now you can create the tables using Alembic:
./ db upgrade
Finally you can run the application:
./ runserver
or play in the Python REPL:
./ shell
In order to run unit tests in py.test invoke:
./ test
We are happy to see your way of scaffolding Flask applications. Feel free to submit an issue with your ideas or comments.