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The tcsh website is served by GitHub Pages from the docs subdirectory of the master branch. Content is managed using the Hugo open-source static site generator.

Updating the site

The general workflow is as follows:

  • Use git clone to get a copy of the repository.
  • Use git submodule init && git submodule update to get the theme.
  • Use hugo server -D to start a local web server.
  • Use vi content/post/ to edit a file.

Your browser will show the updated content as soon as you save the file. Keep editing until you are happy with the results.

Commit your changes:

  • Commit source changes:
    • Use git diff to review source changes.
    • Use git status to review new, changed, and removed files.
    • Use git add to select files to be committed.
    • Run git commit to commit the changes.
  • Run hugo to regenerate the files in the docs directory.
  • Commit regenerated files:
    • Use git diff to review changes from regenerating the site.
    • Use git status to review new, changed, and removed files.
    • Use git add to select the regenerated files to be committed.
    • Run git commit to commit the regenerated files.
  • Merge the two commits and push to GitHub:
    • Run git rebase -i HEAD~2 and use fixup to merge the commits.
    • Run git push to push your changes to GitHub.

The source files must be committed before regenerating the site, because the last-modified timestamp for a source file is derived from its commit timestamp.

Finally create a pull request to get your changes published.

Hugo references:

XMin theme:

Adding a new page

Create a new file from a template and edit it.

hugo new post/announce-6.24.00
vi content/post/

Removing content

If you are removing content or making other changes that result in generated content being removed, you must make sure old content is gone. The easiest way is to simply regenerate everything.

rm -rf docs && hugo

Installing Hugo


sudo port install hugo


apt install hugo

NetBSD/SmartOS/others (pkgsrc):

pkgin install hugo

Or follow the detailed installation instructions from the Hugo documentation.