##homework-tool thanks for using aspen - happy coding!
curl -i -H 'Authorization: token c8893b4ef96cf423f3fe52d01c8f312beb76230e' https://api.github.com/repos/flatiron-school/rps-game-app/forks | grep clone_url
Oj - JSON Gem github = open(https://api.github.com/repos/flatiron-school/#{assignment_name}/forks) json_stuff = json.parse(github) json_stuff[:clone_url] json_stuff[:owner][:login]
- get_clones
- run
- passes
- fails
- coverage
- self.run
- Load new assignments automatically via ".assignment" file in root of repo
- Configure version of ruby to be used for testing (rvm)
- contineous integrations - let GitHub notify us about assignment or student repo changes
- SimpleCov integration
- TravisCI like badge for student repro
- Commonly failed tests
- Replace grader.sh with pure ruby code
- Build and use VirtualBox image for grading
- Create HTTP API
https://github.com/rails/rails-dev-box http://downloads.vagrantup.com/tags/v1.3.5