Small python node which allows to control the playback of rosbags. Since ROS2 Humble Hawksbill most of the features are directly integrated into rosbag2. However, rosbag2 still misses one nice feature: a play next message functionality which is sensitive to certain topics (which this node has).
Single topic:
ros2 run rosbag_play_controller rosbag_controller --ros-args -p topics:="[/camera/image_raw]"
If the key N is pressed during paused playback, the rosbag will publish all messages up to the next message on the "/camera/image_raw" topic.
Multiple topics:
ros2 run rosbag_play_controller rosbag_controller --ros-args -p topics:="[/camera/image_raw, /camera/camera_info]"
As above the playback continues until a message on either of the two specified topics is published.
Note: in both cases the playback will happen one message after another, thereby timings as within the normal playback are ignored!