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The Tourbuch is a pro-bono android-app to support the Berliner Obdachlosenhilfe e.V. (BOH). The main goal of the Tourbuch is to easily manage BOH guests and their orders for the daily needs (e.g. a bedroll).

See also the blog post.


The Tourbuch is an android app created with flutter. The state of the app is stored locally in a secured sqllite database.

It consists of the following main parts:

  • Guest management
  • Order management
  • OrderType management
  • FAQ management

Guest management

New guest can be created, edited or easily be found by a fuzzy search over the total name. In case a guest is duplicated, an easy merge of guest is provided.

List of guests with user-search:

Guest list

Order management

It contains of an overview of all orders and simply add new items to a guest.

Orders overview:

Orders overview

Add order for guest:

Add order for guest

OrderType management

In the Settings optional items to order could be defined.

FAQ management

A configurable FAQ section is provided to help the users of the app.


Getting Started

  1. Download dependenciesflutter pub get
  2. Generate Code (needed for freezed)
    • 1x: dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
    • with watch: dart run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs

Identify dart (linting) problems dart fix --dry-run

Build Release

To build a release APK you have to run with specified ADMIN_PASSWORD and DB_PASSWORD: flutter build apk --split-per-abi --dart-define=ADMIN_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORD --dart-define=DB_PASSWORD=$DB_PASSWORD

State management with Bloc & freezed

Define State

For each status of the state you have to create a new factory method. The Parameters of each represents the values of each status. For easy working with the status values, it is very handy to use a freezed-object as value (e.g. for calling copyWith).

part of '<NAME>_bloc.dart';

enum <NAME>Status { initial, edit }

class <NAME>State with _$<NAME>State {
   const factory <NAME>State({
      @Default(EditPersonDialogStatus.initial) <NAME>Status status,
      @Default('') String name
   }) = _<NAME>State;

Define Events

Each event gets an own factory method

part of '<NAME>_bloc.dart';
class <NAME>Event with _$<NAME>Event {
  const factory <NAME>Event.<EventName1>() = _<EventName1>; // e.g name could be loadData
  const factory <NAME>Event.<EventName2>(String name) = _<EventName2>; // event with data

Define Bloc

It is important to add this part: part '<NAME>_bloc.freezed.dart';. Freezed requires a part definition, before the generator could work.

If any call in the event-handling is waiting for a future, all event-handler must be async (because of the initial await)

import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';

part '<NAME>.freezed.dart';
part '<NAME>_bloc.freezed.dart';
part '<NAME>_event.dart';
part '<NAME>_state.dart';

class <NAME>Bloc extends Bloc<<NAME>Event, <NAME>State> {
  FaqBloc() : super(const <NAME>State()) {
    on<<NAME>Event>((event, emit) async {
      await event.when(
        <EventName1>: () async => emit(state.copyWith(status: <NAME>Status.edit)),
        <EventName2>: (arg) async => emit(state.copyWith(name: arg)),


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