Releases: technototes/TechnoLib
Fix the awful CommandScheduler bug!
2.0.3 - JitPack build failure attempt
2.0.2 Release
What's Changed
- Moar testing by @kevinfrei in #39
- Fixed an issue with CRServo
- Updated FTC SDK Dependency to 10.1
Full Changelog: 2.0.1...2.0.2
What's Changed
- Bumped to 2.0.1 and updated FTC dep to 10.0 by @kevinfrei in #38
Full Changelog: 2.0.0...2.0.1
2.0.0 Initial Release
Center Stage Initial Library Release!
What's Changed
- Center stage first attempt by @kevinfrei in #31
- Renaming the dual MecanumDrivebaseSubsystems by @kevinfrei in #33
- Button naming prefixes: BREAKING CHANGE! by @kevinfrei in #34
Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.3.0
Initial CenterStage2023/SDK 9.0 Release
This hasn't been tested on anything yet, but all the dependencies have been updated.
In addition, there's a breaking change to reduce confusion: There are now 2 differently named Mecanum drivebase subsystems:
- SimpleMecanumDrivebaseSubsystem: This is just the straightforward, TeleOp focused subsystem
- PathingMecanumDrivebaseSubsystem: This is the Mecanum subsystem that is designed for use with RoadRunner.
There's probably going to be a breaking change to controls before the full 1.3.0 release, as I don't like the fact that "X" and "cross" are both buttons, but refer to different buttons on different devices.
This addresses the new IMU interface that FIRST added in the 8.1.1 release of the FTC SDK. FIRST reordered axes, so it was easiest to just break the IMU interface and make it use the new setup from the SDK. You now need to specify the hub orientation when you create the IMU object.
FTC SDK 8.1.1 compatibility
The IMU interface is much different. No idea if this is going to work or not. Not going to try it until after interleagues...
Fix a crashing bug in the Logger
There was an array out of bounds exception that I think is caused by a fixed size array in the Logger.