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View, Code, Submit directly from terminal
Made with ❤️ by Divesh Uttamchandani

A python based command line interface for helping in competitive programming. Termicoder aims at automating and simplifying the process of coding, testing and submitting solutions to Online Judges so that one can concentrate only on algorithms

Inspiration behind Termicoder

For installation refer: Install


This is a complete redesign and rewrite of termicoder to support judges as plugins, As well as to support the new codechef API.

This distribution currently includes judge plugin codechef implemented using codechef api for codechef api hackathon powered by Alibaba. We are working on support for other judges.

The API authentication backend for authenticating with CodeChef is hosted at whose source code can be found in codechef-oauth.

Unlike previous implementation this completely does away with exec and eval calls. And implements Judges, Problems and Contests as classes instead of modules.

There is an abstract class Judge which is used to dispatch operations to a particular judge instance through Judge Factory. Developers can subclass and implement the Judge class externally and attach their module to setup tool entry-point - termicoder.judge_plugins.

Termicoder dynamically loads these judges and dispatches the operations. Complete documentation for writing judge-plugins and the UML design docs for termicoder would be available soon. By then you can look at the termicoder/judges/codechef in this repo for an example implementation. See for example of how to subscribe to entry point termicoder.judge_plugins.

There are also many completely new features implemented in this version including termicoder repl, termicoder config, termicoder clip, termicoder config autocomplete. Also the configurations are now completely YAML based with support for jinja like substitutions.

Though this implementation lacks support for colors as well as a few other features which were present in previous implementation. This is mostly due to time constraint of the hackathon. Codechef API severely limits requests per time which slows down development. We will try to get it running, once we have tested and perfected the api based features.

A base version for this repo(0.3.0) has been published, Further developement is being done on main termicoder repo.

You can use previous implementation of termicoder by specifying the version while pip installation. Previous implementation had version numbers ~0.2.* and this implementation has version ~0.3.0


User installation

pip3 install termicoder

Developer installation

  • clone this repo
  • in the root folder of this repo run
    • pip3 install --editable .

notice the dot(.) in above command at the end

Note: it is better to use virtualenv

  • to remove this package, in the root folder of the repo, run:
    • python develop --uninstall

Note: Termicoder is in its development stage and has only been tested on Ubuntu + python3. Support for other configurations is being worked on, if you are using some other platform and encounter errors, do create an issue for them. For windows one can also try using Bash on Ubuntu on Windows ; most features have been tested out there and work as expected.


  • After installing termicoder you have to initialize the configurations files. You can do this by

    • termicoder config init
  • To edit configurations:

    • termicoder config edit

Tab Autocompletion

  • To setup tab autocompletion for termicoder commands
    • termicoder config autocomplete --help
    • the above currently supports autocompletions for bash, fish, powershell, zsh

Current Support

Judges Included

  1. CodeChef

Languages Support Included

  1. C
  2. C++
  3. Python2/3


Usage: termicoder [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  __       __                      _                __
  \ \     / /____  _________ ___  (_)________  ____/ /__  _____
   \ \   / __/ _ \/ ___/ __ `__ \/ / ___/ __ \/ __  / _ \/ ___/
   / /  / /_/  __/ /  / / / / / / / /__/ /_/ / /_/ /  __/ /
  /_/   \__/\___/_/  /_/ /_/ /_/_/\___/\____/\__,_/\___/_/

  view, code & submit problems directly from terminal.

  --version            Show the version and exit.
  -v, --verbosity LVL  Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.

  clip    Copies code from file to clipboard.
  code    Creates and opens file with template code.
  config  Configure settings, autocomplete etc.
  debug   Launches custom debug interface.
  list    List the contents of current folder.
  repl    Start an interactive shell.
  setup   Sets up problem, contests and login.
  submit  Submit a solution.
  test    Test code against the sample testcases.
  view    View contests and problems.

Detailed Command Help

For details of a particular command use:

termicoder --help
termicoder <COMMAND> --help

or you can have a look at helptext which contains the output of all help commands

Sample Run

For a sample we recommend going through sample run which contains the details


ChangeLog and Older Releases are availible under Releases .

Contributing to Termicoder

Termicoder is mostly written in python. If you are looking towards contributing to the code base, you should begin with reading the following:

You can also contribute otherwise by

  • Improving the Documentation.

    • Most of the documentation lies in the documentation folder. To start fork this repo, change and create a pull request
  • reporting a bug or requesting a feature.

    • Please create an issue about the bug/feature.
  • Giving feedback about the work. (both praise and criticism are equally appreciated).




Complete redesign and re-implementation of Termicoder ( for codechef api hackathon







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