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TGen Copy Number Tool


tCoNuT is a read depth based comparative copy number tool designed for whole genome, exome and panel NGS data. In addition, tCoNuT pipeline provides scripts for calculating B-allele frequencies. B-allele frequencies can be used in conjunction with copy number to determine regions of LOH and provide additional evidence of a copy number change. The tool requires a control sample which can be matched or unmatched to the affected or tumor sample.

Please see tCoNuT wiki for a diagram of tCoNuT workflow.


A local installation of Perl and R are required.

R needs the DNAcopy package found at requires Statistics::R module

tCoNuT requires the MATLAB Runtime (MCR) v9.0. Link and instructions for installation are found at Compiled MATLAB code does not require a MATLAB license just requires the MCR.

tCoNuT pipeline was developed and compiled (specifically MATLAB code) on Linux 64 systems. Most of the scripts are platform independent. Uncompiled MATLAB code (*.m) found in tCoNuT/tCoNuT folder is not platform dependent but would require a license of MATLAB to run.


Please refer to tCoNuT workflow diagram for an overview. In addition, refer to clonalCovPerl.pbs and ngs_cna2015.pbs for examples on how to call each script.

Step 1 (prior to tCoNuT): Align paired-end sequencing data (BAMs) for each control and affected/tumor samples. This has only been tested with BWA aligned paired ends but should work with other aligners.

Here is an example of how we run bwa-mem on a sample.

~/bin/bwa-0.7.8/bwa mem -R ${TAGS} -M -t8 REFERENCE.fa SAMPLE_R1.fastq.gz SAMPLE_R2.fastq.gz

Run Picard MarkDuplicates on your BAMs.

Here is an example of how we run MarkDuplicates on a BAM.


Run HaploType Caller(HC) on control and tumor BAMs together. Use option -D to get dbSNP annotations. RS numbers are used for filtering for high quality SNPs.

Annotate HC VCF with dbSNP using SnpEff/SnpSift. GMAF/CAF dbSNP annotations inserted by SnpSift are used for filtering for high quality SNPs.

You should now have two BAMs (control and affected) and HC VCF dbSNP annotated using SnpEff/SnpSift.

Currently, tCoNuT can only be used on human data.

Step 2: Create DAT files using for each BAM separately.


You should now have two DAT files (control and affected).

Step 3: Run on HC VCF (snpEff annotated) to get baf.txt and merged.vcf.txt

SNPDEPTH=50 	#	<<<< This can be modified for specific cases depending on target coverage. Another option would be to use ${TUMORX} from hsMetrics above

You should now have ${CONTROLSAMPLENAME}-${AFFECTEDSAMPLENAME}.baf.txt and merged.vcf.txt

Step 4: Run tCoNuT with DAT and merged.vcf.txt files. You will also need a TARGETSFILE if running as exome. You can find these at for some Agilent kits. This example is showing parameters for exome data.

## Parameters for tCoNuT.  Currently set for EXOME data. Please ngs_cna2015_WG.pbs for suggested whole genome parameters.
TARGETSFILE=Agilent_Clinical_Research_Exome_hs37d5.cna.bed # Copy number BED file of Agilent Clinic Research exome targets
HETFILE=merged.vcf.txt  #   from

smWin=6                 #   <<<< THIS CAN BE ADJUSTED - smoothing window size >>>>
fcThresh=0.75           #   <<<< THIS CAN BE ADJUSTED - fold-change threshold - plot >>>>
res=2                   #   <<<< THIS CAN BE ADJUSTED - min resolution >>>>
maxGap=1000             #   <<<< THIS CAN BE ADJUSTED - max distance between consecutive postions >>>>

## Average Coverage calculated Picard hsMetrics can be used for minimum depth (${NORMX} and ${TUMORX})
hetDepthN=${NORMX}      #   <<<< THIS CAN BE ADJUSTED - min depth of diploid het position >>>>
hetDepthT=${TUMORX}     #   <<<< THIS CAN BE ADJUSTED - min depth of diploid het position >>>>
hetDev=0.025            #   <<<< THIS CAN BE ADJUSTED - allowable deviation from ref allele frequency of 0.5+/-0.025

readDepth=$( echo "$hetDepthN * 3" | bc )  # Set max read depth to 3 x control sample's average target coverage (from Picard HS metrics)

${tCoNuTdir}/tCoNuT/ ${MCRPATH} ${NORMALDAT} ${TUMORDAT} ${OFILE} ${HETFILE} ${smWin} ${fcThresh} ${assayID} ${res} ${readDepth} ${maxGap} ${hetDepthN} ${hetDepthT} ${hetDev} ${TARGETSFILE}

Step 5: Segmentation of exome copy number with DNAcopy. Depending on your data and study objective you might need to adjust parameters for DNAcopy to get the segmentation optimized for your problem. For whole genome, use runDNAcopyV2.R.

### Copy Number ###
Rscript --vanilla ${tCoNuTdir}/segmentation/runDNAcopyExomeV2.R ${OFILE}.cna.tsv ${OFILE}.seg

### BAF ###
Rscript --vanilla ${tCoNuTdir}/segmentation/runDNAcopyBAF.R baf.txt ${OFILE}.baf

Step 6: Convert copy number SEG file to VCF format (really its a gVCF) and annotate. Example VCFs are in VCF folder.

##Annotate and convert SEG file to gVCF
DUPTHRESH=0.58     #   <<<< THIS CAN BE ADJUSTED - Amplification Threshold - log2 fold-change >>>>
DELTHRESH=-0.99    #   <<<< THIS CAN BE ADJUSTED - Deletion Threshold - log2 fold-change >>>>

${tCoNuTdir}/ ${CCDSLIST} ${OFILE}.cna.seg ${DUPTHRESH} ${DELTHRESH}

${tCoNuTdir}/ ${OFILE}.cna.seg.vcf baf.txt ${ZTABLE}

Step 7: Make some plots (See tCoNuT wiki for examples)

## Plotting of copy number
Rscript --vanilla ${tCoNuTdir}/plotting/plotCGH_EXOME.R ${OFILE}.cna.tsv ${OFILE}.amp.tsv ${OFILE}.del.tsv ${OFILE}

## Plotting of copy number with hets superimposed
if [ -f ${OFILE}.hets.tsv ];then
        Rscript --vanilla ${tCoNuTdir}/plotting/plotCGHwithHets.R ${OFILE}.cna.tsv ${OFILE}.amp.tsv ${OFILE}.del.tsv ${OFILE}.hets.tsv ${OFILE}_withhets

## Plotting of BAF
Rscript --vanilla ${tCoNuTdir}/plotting/plotBAF.R baf.txt ${OFILE}.baf

## Linear Genome Plotting of CNA and BAF (both scripts are MATLAB code)
${tCoNuTdir}/plotting/plotLinearCNA/ ${MCRPATH} ${OFILE}.cna.tsv baf.txt ${OFILE}.cnaBAF.png
${tCoNuTdir}/plotting/plotLinearCNAabsBAF/ ${MCRPATH} ${OFILE}.cna.tsv baf.txt ${OFILE}.cnaAbsBAF.png