I am Henry Wang (aka theKidOfArcrania). Here you will find some of my public projects that I share. In addition to being a full-time student, I also actively play CTFs on team perfect blue. I used to write a CTF blog at https://thekidofarcrania.com.
Currently I am mostly interested in either cyber security (specifically binary analysis/exploitation), and also formal verification (though I am still learning it)
- Interests: Reverse engineering (I reverse Haskell for fun), malware analysis, formal verification
- Liked languages: Haskell, Ocaml, Assembly
- Disliked langauges: Javascript, Java
- What I use the most <3: Linux, vim, gdb (with GEF, ofc), IDA, Ghidra, Docker, i3wm, git
- Reversed compiled code from these languages: Haskell, C, C++, Rust, Java, x86, MIPS, Prolog, Web assembly
- Written 5000+ lines: C, Java, Python, Haskell, Javascript
- Written 1000-5000 lines: Ocaml, C++, LaTeX, Typescript
- Familiar with (more than hello world): x86, Bash, Makefile, SQL, Prolog, PHP, MIPS, Powershell, perl
I actively play on perfect blue. You can refer to this page for more information. We won globally 1st place on CTFTime for the 2020 cycle! Here is a list of notable victories under this team:
- ASIS 2020 Finals: 1st🏆place
- HITCON 2020: 1st🏆place (and pre-qualify for defcon 2021!)
- Dragon CTF 2020: 1st🏆place
- ASIS 2020 Quals: 1st🏆place
- 0CTF/TCTF 2020 Quals: 3rd place
- Pwn2Win CTF 2020: 1st🏆place
- De1CTF 2020: 2nd place
- Midnight Sun 2020 Quals: 2nd place
- VolgaCTF 2020 Qualifier: 2nd place
- nullcon HackIM 2020: 1st🏆place
- ASIS CTF Finals 2019: 1st🏆place
MS in Computer Science: University of Texas At Dallas (expected December 2021), GPA: 4.0
- TA/mentor for Cyber Attack and Defense Lab (2021 Spring)
BS in Computer Science: University of Texas At Dallas (graduated May 2020), GPA: 3.968
- Malicious and Systems Analysis
- Database Design
- Advanced Programming Languages
- Information Security
- Compiler Design
- Automata Theory
- Advanced Algorithms
- Operating System
- Computer Networks
- C/C++ in Unix Environment
- Data structures
- Computer Architecture
- Discrete Mathematics I, II
Please feel free to contact me via twitter DMs or email. I am currently searching for a job/internship!