Jedha Data Science Bootcamp - Fullstack - week 2
Session dsmft-paris-08
Using the Speed dating data kaggle dataset, I made some visualizations and a descriptive analysis of the factors determining the chance to have a second date.
This dataset was created during a study made by the Columbia Business School. This study observes dating behaviours during experimental speed datings; the participants were volunteers and were ask to complete questionnaires asking for their expectations. During the speed dating, after a 4 minutes long meeting, the participants were asked to give some notation to the mate and whether or not they would like to have a second date.
The characteristics evaluated:
- Attractiveness
- Sincerity
- Intelligence
- Fun
- Ambition
- Shared Interests
Expectations are different between men (homme) and women (femme):
The characteristics witch make the main differences between genders:
- women : Ambition, Sincerity, Same race, Same religion
- men : Attractiveness
Attractiveness seemed to be important for men, but when the decision for the second date is made, Intelligence and Sincerity are well noted by the men:
and for the women: