Using Command Line
the project using IntelliJ- Open the
/Command Prompt
into the project'sout/production/ip
directory- Type
java duke.Duke
, thenEnter
to execute - Now you can interact with the program through CLI
Shows a list of all the tasks, along with the task type (Todo, Deadline or Event), task description
and date which is represented by at
for event
and by
for deadline
Format: list
Adds a new ToDo task to the list of task.
Format: todo <description>
todo read book
Adds a new Todo task with the descriptionread book
Adds a new Deadline task to the task list.
Format: deadline <description> /by <date>
Put a /by
to indicate that the following string is the deadline to complete the task by.
deadline Complete ip project /by <date>
Adds a new task with the descriptionComplete ip project
and deadline<date>
Adds a new Event task to the task list.
Format: event <description> /at <date>
Put a /at
to indicate that the following string is the date of the event.
event Career fair /at <date>
Adds a new task with the descriptionCareer fair
Marks a task as done.
Format: done <index>
Indicate the <index>
of the task to mark as done.
done 1
Marks the first item in the list as done.
Deletes a task from the task list.
Format: delete <index>
Indicate the <index>
of the task to be deleted.
delete 1
Deletes the first item in the task list.
Find tasks from the task list containing the keyword given.
Format: find <String>
Indicate the <String>
which is the keyword to be searched in the task list.
find book
Searches the task list for any task description containing the keywordbook
and prints the task(s) out.
Exits the program and saves the task list to a local storage text file.
Format: bye