Features use of the blockchain, where the user will win "Zen" from beating the AI. This is my solution file to Finhack 2021.
- To start a new game, open the game page and click on "Start new game".
- The game will provide a wallet address so you can make the payment.
- Copy the highlighted address and use your Sphere wallet to transfer the indicated amount to the Game Wallet
- Provide your wallet address and click on "Check Payment". (This step usually takes just a few minutes, but in some instances, it took me hours.)
- The game will automatically start when the transaction gets published to the blockchain.
- After the Game shows up, press "1" to start. "Q" moves your paddle UP and "A" moves your paddle DOWN.
- If you win, you will have the option to redeem the prize. Provide the address to withdraw your ZEN.