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RESTPie3 - Python REST API Server Starter Kit

This is a lightweight python3 REST API server that offers essential web service features in a simple package. This is not a framework, just a practical and clean codebase that relies on a few core components that do the job well. Fork and create your own REST API server quickly.

Open sourced on Sep 2018 after years of production use at multiple sites.

Update Sep 2020: Run in Raspberry with an SQLite database.

Update May 2023: Python and libraries updated, Python 3.11 into use. Still a fine foundation for a new project - the architecture does not age, and simple outlives complex.

Update March 2024: Ansible scripts for automatic install to cloud.

Table of contents


A quick list of the features of this Python API server:

  • Simple and flexible server with minimum dependencies
  • Process-based request workers, not thread-based nor async
  • Secure server-side sessions with Redis storage
  • Robust worker management: restarts, timecapping, max life
  • Background tasks
  • Built-in cron
  • Automatic directory page listing the API methods and their docstrings Screenshot
  • Redis as a generic storage with expiring keys, lightweight queues
  • Email & password authentication with secure algorithms
  • User role model and authorization of API methods via simple decorator
  • Logging system with practical data for troubleshooting, detects slow requests, warnings&errors colorized
  • Server reload on code change
  • Database ORM and migrations
  • Database init schemas for PostgreSQL and SQLite
  • Docker image for the "big cloud" and local development
  • Fast rsync deployment of updates to Linux VPS servers
  • Tests for the API
  • Raspberry compatible
  • Simple UI for login/signup/forgot/reset password Screenshot

Building blocks

The core building blocks of this server are mature open-source components that I have years of experience of.

  • Python is a high-level and versatile scripting language that provides powerful features with an exceptionally clear syntax.

    The language is well designed and has received increased fame and popularity over the recent years. Huge number of developers are picking Python in their work. In Sep 2017, a StackOverflow study writes about The Incredible Growth of Python: "Python has a solid claim to being the fastest-growing major programming language." In the TIOBE index Python stands at position 3 as of Sep 2018.

    Having been coding Python professionally for close to two decades, I can say it has boosted my productivity and still is my primary language for many tasks, including developing the business logic in the back-end.

  • Flask is the Python web framework. Flask is considered as an unopinionated micro-framework that only provides the essentials of a web framework without enforcing other components (like database, orm, admin interface, sessions etc.) As a webdev veteran I appreciate this flexibility since I do want to pick the best of breed components myself. The core stays but other needs may vary from project to project, from Raspberry to the AWS cloud. The flexibility lets me be in control and simplify.

  • uwsgi is the master daemon that runs and supervises the Python worker processes. uwsgi has a list of power features that are essential to a robust back-end: timecapped requests, recycling of workers, background tasks, cron jobs, timers, logging, auto reloads on code change, run-as privileges. uwsgi is configured via the uwsgi.ini file.

  • PostgreSQL is the main database, "the most advanced open source database" that is getting stronger every year. PostgreSQL is a powerhouse of features with a rock-solid implementation. Personally I enjoy the JSON functionality the most, since it provides good amount of flexibility to the relational model that I still prefer in a master database over the schema-free solutions.

    Someone wrote an article saying PostgreSQL is the worlds' best database.

    Note that the code also supports SQLite database. SQLite maybe convenient in a lighter setup if the full power of PostgreSQL is not needed such as in a Raspberry.

  • Redis is a persistent in-memory database that is used as a storage for server-side session data and as a lightweight caching and queueing system. Fast and solid.

  • Peewee is a straightforward database ORM library. It is small and easy to learn, and has all the necessary features. I favor the simplicity of the ActiveRecord pattern with 1-1 mapping of classes and database, as opposed to more complex data mapper pattern that is followed by the big SQLAlchemy library. I know SQL and like to operate at the row level, and have explicit control. Peewee makes database access a breeze and allows you to execute raw SQL if you need the full power of the database. Peewee supports SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL.

    For scheme migrations, Peewee-migrate is an easy choice that fits well with Peewee.

If you'd like to replace some of these components, it is possible, this is a small codebase.

Source files

The whole of this server fits into a small set of files:

├── /ansible/               # ansible files for automated cloud install
├── /conf/                  # configuration files
│   ├── /caddy.conf         #   config for Caddy www proxy that ansible setups
│   ├── /favicon.ico        #   site icon
│   ├── /     #   docker shell login script, sets paths
│   ├── /pydaemon.service   #   systemd daemon config
│   ├── /robots.txt         #   deny all from robots
│   ├── /server-config-localdev.json #   main server config for localdev in docker
│   ├── /server-config.json #   main server config, ansible fills and copies to cloud
│   └── /uwsgi.ini          #   uwsgi daemon config, for localdev & server
├── /migrations/            # db migrations - postgresql
│   ├── /       #   users table, the foundation
│   └── /      #   movies table, just as an example
├── /migrations_sqlite/     # db migrations - sqlite
│   ├── /        #   users table, the foundation
│   └── /      #   movies table, just as an example
├── /py/                    # python modules
│   ├── /         #   account related: passwords, user session
│   ├── /     #   API-endpoints for login/signup/logout
│   ├── /         #   API-endpoints for dev/testing/api list
│   ├── /      #   API-endpoints for movies basic crud
│   ├── /         #   background tasks, 1 sample method
│   ├── /          #   central config for the app
│   ├── /            #   cron methods: run every min, hourly, daily
│   ├── /              #   database classes and methods
│   ├── /            #   server main
│   ├── /             #   redis: get/set keyvals, lists, atomic
│   ├── /         #   quick auth pages
│   ├── /            #   misc utility functions
│   └── /         #   core web flow: before/after request, auth, role check
├── /scripts/               # scripts
│   └── /       #   db migration
├── /templates/             # templates (if you really need them)
│   ├── /auth.html          #   login/signup form
│   └── /example.html       #   very basic jinja2 example
├── /test/                  # test scripts
│   ├── /           #   quick adhoc curl example
│   ├── /        #   test API methods
│   ├── /      #   test redis module
│   └── /sample.log.txt     #   sample logging output from api test
├── /www/                   # static files for Caddy
├──                # build Docker image in dev mode
├── Dockerfile              # docker image config
├── requirements.txt        # python 3rd party dependencies
├──                # rsync sources to server and reload (instead of ansible)
├──                  # run server locally with Docker in dev mode
└──                # run interactive shell inside docker instance

So how do you get started with your own project? I suggest to take this route:

  • browse briefly the source files, understand their role
  • read and throw away and, they exist only as a sample
  • discard, if you don't need background processing
  • discard templates if you only create an API server
  • write your own business logic:
    • create data classes and methods in or
    • create API modules in
    • create database migrations
    • create tests

Run locally with Docker

RESTPie3 is easy to run locally via Docker. The base image is an official python image variant python:3.11-slim-bullseye.

If you already have Docker installed, the quick steps to run RESTPie3 with SQLite and Redis are:

docker pull redis:5

# create + start the redis instance
docker run -d --name redis -p 6379:6379 redis:5

# download and build RESTPie3
git clone
cd restpie3

# start RESTPie3

# in another term, create initial database schema
docker exec -it restpie-dev bash -l -c 'python /app/scripts/'

If all went OK, RESTPie3, SQLite and Redis are running and you should be able to list the REST API at http://localhost:8100/api/list

The SQLite database is empty at this point so empty lists are returned from the API. You are also logged out so some of the API end-points can't be accessed. To quickly test the API, you can invoke this example script which uses curl to do a signup and insert a new movie in the database:


For a serious setup you want to have full PostgreSQL. Do the setup like this:

docker pull postgres:15

# create + start a postgres instance - use your own db + password!
# the params here must match the ones in conf/server-config-localdev.json
docker run -d --name pos-restpie -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_DB=tmdb -e POSTGRES_USER=tm -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=MY_PASSWORD postgres:12

# activate the uuid extension
docker exec -it pos-restpie psql -U tm -d tmdb -c 'create extension "uuid-ossp"'

# and then in server-config-localdev.json

To start and stop these docker instances, invoke:

docker start redis
docker start pos-restpie
docker start restpie-dev
docker stop redis
docker stop pos-restpie
docker stop restpie-dev

Develop locally with Docker

Docker is great for packaging software to be run in the cloud, but it is also beneficial while developing the software. With Docker you can isolate and play easily with different dev environments and services without installing anything on the local machine and without facing ugly local version conflicts. Running the same docker image locally also ensures the environment is identical to the release environment, which makes a lot of sense.


The above command runs the dev instance in the foreground so you are able to see the logging output in the console and detect errors immediately. You can stop the server with CTRL+C. When the instance ends, its data is deleted (the --rm option) - this is good as we don't want to create a long list of dangling temporary instances.

Now the COOL thing in the dev mode here is that we are using Docker volumes to map a local root folder containing all source files to /app/ folder inside the Docker instance. This makes it possible to use any local file editor to edit the python sources and when a file is saved, the server inside the Docker instance reloads itself automatically!

To see the executed SQL statements of the server in the console, you can set the PYSRV_LOG_SQL env variable:

docker run -it --rm --name restpie-dev -p 8100:80 -v `pwd`/:/app/ -e PYSRV_LOG_SQL=1 restpie-dev-image

If you want to run a shell inside the dev instance, invoke in another terminal session, while dev instance is running:

docker exec -it restpie-dev bash -l

# or just

# see files in the instance file system

# see running processes

# run python files
python scripts/

You can modify the login script to set paths and aliases etc for this interactive shell.

API methods

The available API methods are implemented in modules:

  • contains the core email/password login/signup/logout methods that you most likely need anyway.
  • contains misc methods for testing and developing which you can discard after learning the mechanics.
  • is just a sample module to demonstrate a basic CRUD REST API. You definately want to discard this and transform into your actual data models - just read and learn it.

The server has built-in little introspection for listing the available APIs as a HTML page. You just declare, implement and document the API methods normally with the Flask decorator, docstrings and the methods will be automatically listed at localhost:8100/api/list. This is a neat way to document your server API. You can decide whether you want to disable this functionality in production or not.

To parse and serialize JSON data I am simply using the Flask and Peewee primitives: jsonify, JSONEncoder and Peewee model_to_dict/dict_to_model. I am not using other libraries such as Flask-RestPlus or Connexion. I have used Flask-Restful before but I am not sure these libs add value. You might be able to reduce the number of code lines a little with them but possibly loosing simplicity and control. In my opinion Flask already provides the core I need. Adding one of these libs is perfectly possible though should you want it.

Also I am not using Swagger here but I do have felt the temptation! The first question with Swagger would be which way to go: To first create the API spec manually and then generate the method stubs, or first write the methods with annotations and then generate the API spec? I am not sure about the order and neither is the community. Swagger maybe good for big projects but this is a small and cute project :)

Authentication & authorization

Simple email-password based signup and login authentication is included in the server. It relies on PassLib Python library for strong uptodate hashing algorithms.

A Python decorator called login_required can be inserted before an API method that controls that the method requires an authenticated user session, and optionally to specify if the method requires a certain user level. User accounts have a role-field whose value is one of:

    user.role = (disabled, readonly, editor, admin, superuser)

You can set the user roles that are meaningful for your project, see the migration If this simple linear role model is too limited, you can introduce a capability model perhaps with a text array field, similar to user.tags.

For example, this method requires that the user is logged on and has a role editor:

    @app.route('/api/movies/', methods = ['POST'])
    def movie_create():
        """Creates a movie and returns it."""
        #...code here...

If the user does not have an editor role or above, the API server returns 401 Unauthorized to the client.

API methods which don't have a login_required decorator attached are available for anybody, including non authenticated visitors.

Accounts with role=disabled are stopped at the door and not let in to the server at all.

If you want to support Facebook or Google OAuth authentication method, I recommend you use the rauth library.

By default the server allows accessing the API from all domains, CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin value='*' but it can be set in the config file.

Session data

Server-side session data is stored in Redis. Data written into a session is not visible at the client side.

Flask provides a thread-global session object that acts like a dictionary. You set keys to values in the session. A value can be any object that can be pickled. Modifications to the session data are automatically saved to Redis by Flask at the end of the request.

This starter stores two core data in the session: userid and role of the user. (Role-field is in session for performance reason: otherwise we would need to query it from the database with EVERY request that specifies login_required. Note that if the user role changes, you need to update it in session too.)

A common operation in an API method is to access the calling user object, myself. There is a call webutil.get_myself() that loads myself from the database, or None for a visitor.

Flask also provides a thread-global object called g where you can store data, but this data is only stored for the duration of the request. This data is not stored in Redis and is discarded when the request ends. g can be used for caching common data during the request, but don't overuse it.

Redis is a persistent storage, unlike memcached, which means that if the server gets rebooted, the user sessions will be restored and logged-in users do not need to relogin.

By default, the session is remembered for 1 month. If there is no user activity during 1 month, the session gets deleted. This time is controlled by PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME in

Redis storage

You can also use Redis for other than session data. Redis can act as a convenient schema-free storage for various kinds of data, perhaps for temporary data, or for lists whose size can be limited, or act as a distributed cache within a cluster of servers.

A typical case might be that a background worker puts the calculation results into Redis where the data is picked from by an API method (if the result is secondary in nature and does not belong to the master database).

The module provides simple methods for using Redis:

    # store a value into Redis (here value is a dict but can be anything)
    value = {"type":"cat", "name":"Sophia"}
    red.set_keyval("mykey", value)

    # get a value
    value = red.get_keyval("mykey")

    # store a value that will expire/disappear after 70 minutes:
    red.set_keyval("cron_calculation_cache", value, 70*60)

To append data into a list:

    # append item into a list
    item = {"action":"resize", "url":""}
    red.list_append("mylist", item)

    # take first item from a list
    item = red.list_pop("mylist")

    # append item into a FIFO list with a max size of 100
    # (discards the oldest items first)
    red.list_append("mylist", data_item, 100) can be extended to cover more functionality that Redis provides.

Background workers & cron

uwsgi provides a simple mechanism to run long running tasks in background worker processes.

In any Python module (like in you have code to be run in a background worker:

    def send_email(*args, **kwargs):
        """A background worker that is executed by spooling arguments to it."""
        #...code here...

You start the above method in a background worker process like this:

            subject="Hello world!", template="welcome.html")

The number of background worker processes is controlled by spooler-processes configuration in uwsgi.ini. The spooled data is written and read into a temp file on disk, not in Redis.

Crons are useful for running background tasks in specified times, like in every hour or every night. uwsgi has an easy built-in support for crons. To have a nightly task you simple code:

    #(minute, hour, day, month, weekday) - in server local time
    def daily(num):
        """Runs every night at 2:00AM."""
        #...code here...


Mules are independent background worker processes/servers that start and stop along with the main API server.

The benefit of mules is ease of setup and ease of sharing code and environment. You can develop extra servers with little effort - uwsgi manages the config and lifetimes of mules. If a mule exits for some reason, it is automatically restarted by uwsgi. (It is also possible to communicate between mules - read more in the docs).

In the included toy example a TCP server is created that listens on port 9999 and echoes back whatever it receives from TCP clients. You can test it by sending data to it with netcat-tool like this:

echo "hello world" | nc 9999

You can have any number of different mules, each running in their own process. They are configured in uwsgi.ini:

mule = py/
mule = py/


Logging is an essential tool in monitoring and troubleshooting the server operation. This server automatically logs several useful data in the log file, including the request path, method and parameters, and return codes and tracebacks. Userid and origin ip address is logged too.

Secrets should not be written into a log file to prevent unnecessary leakage of data. Currently this server automatically prevents logging keys ["password", "passwd", "pwd"] if they exist in the input parameters of an API method. You should extend this list to cover your secret keys.

In local development, the log is dumped to the console, and at server the log is dumped to a file /app/app.log. It is also possible to send the logging output to a remote rsyslog. This can be useful in a cluster setup.

Slow queries that take more than 1 second to finish are logged with a warning SLOW! and the log line includes the actual amount of time it took to respond. It is good to monitor where the pressure starts to cumulate in a server and then optimize the code or put the execution into a background worker.

Requests that take more than 20 seconds get terminated and the following line is logged: HARAKIRI ON WORKER 1 (pid: 47704, try: 1). This harakiri time is configurable.

To log the executed SQL statements during development, see PYSRV_LOG_SQL above.

Note that as the server logs may contain sensitive data, you should not keep the production logs for too long time, and you should mention in the policy statement what data you collect. The GDPR legislation in Europe has a saying on this.

To monitor the log file in realtime at server you can invoke:

tail -f -n 500 /app/app.log

To see the logged errors only, in most recent first order:

tac /app/app.log | grep "^ERR " | less -r

This starter comes with a simple log line colorizer out of the box, hilighting warnings and errors with a simple logging.Formatter. This is convenient but the escape codes are inserted into the log file. If you want to have a more powerful logging colorizer, take a look of grc for example.

As an example, the server logs this output when the included API tests are run.


The test folder contains two test scripts for testing the server API and the Redis module. Keeping tests up-todate and running them frequently or automatically during the process is a safety net that protects you from mistakes and bugs. With dynamic languages such as Python or Javascript or Ruby, tests are even more important than with compiled languages.

For locally run tests I expose a method /apitest/dbtruncate in that truncates the data in the database tables before running the API tests. If you like to write tests in a different way, just remove it.

Run tests inside the DEV instance:

docker exec -it restpie-dev bash -l -c 'python /app/test/'
docker exec -it restpie-dev bash -l -c 'python /app/test/'

Deploy to Cloud

There are endless ways to deploy server software to cloud, X amount of tools and Y amount of different kinds of online services. For an early startup or for a hobby project my advice is this: start small and easy - buy a cheap virtual private server, VPS, or a few of them, from a big or a small cloud vendor and run your backend services there. Have control of your infra. Have simple scripts to automate things. Then automate more via Github Actions and so on. There is time later to grow your infra if you get past product-market-fit challenges and actually enjoy a bigger business.

Ansible is one of the best lightweigt tools to automate infra tasks. It simply runs commands over the SSH against all your servers.

I have prepared Ansible scripts to setup RESTPie3 quickly on a Linux server(s). These steps have been verified to work with Debian 12.5 "bookworm".

The scripts setup Redis + PostgreSQL + RESTPie3 + Caddy on your server(s). Caddy is a solid and simple www server written in Go that can run as a proxy in front of uwsgi.


  • Have a root ssh access to your server(s) via ssh publickey, and use ssh-agent to store your private key so you don't have to type the passphare all the time. After setup you should disable server root access.
  • Update your server to the latest versions: apt update & apt upgrade
  • Locally create a new ssh-key for the user-level Linux account that is later used for deploys ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_myapp -C 'restpie3 deploy account'
  • If you run OSX, update local rsync to latest 3.x: brew install rsync
  • Install Ansible tools and extensions locally (OSX: brew install ansible)
  • Put your desired config/secrets into vars.yml Note: do NOT commit secrets into git! Move this file elsewhere or put into .gitignore
  • Write the IP-address or domain name of your server into myhosts.ini. If you have multiple servers, write them all here.

Then run these scripts:

cd restpie3/ansible/
ansible-playbook -i myhosts.ini install-redis.yaml
ansible-playbook -i myhosts.ini install-caddy.yaml
ansible-playbook -i myhosts.ini install-db.yaml
ansible-playbook -i myhosts.ini install-app.yaml

Now you should have a running RESTPie3 at the server you configured. Point your browser there. You should see text RESTPie3 setup works!

Your code updates from local machine to server can be deployed with:

ansible-playbook -i myhosts.ini deploy.yaml

Later you might want to run this script from Github Action to have consistent automation.

For a production setup you should harden the security of this simple setup with the usual steps like: create a private network behind a load balancer, disable ssh root login, carefully build access control, etc.


A few words about security practices in this software:

  • no secrets are stored in code but in an external configuration file or in environment variables
  • all requests are logged and can be inspected later
  • no secrets are leaked to the log file
  • server based sessions with an opaque uuid cookie
  • no Javascript access to uuid cookie
  • config to require https for cookies (do enable in production)
  • strong algorithms are used for password auth
  • only salt and password hash is stored in the database
  • session can be either permanent or end on browser close
  • sensitive user objects have a random uuid and not an integer id
  • possible to add a fresh cookie check by saving IP+agent string to session
  • database code is not vulnerable to SQL injections
  • authorization is enforced via user roles and function decorator, not requiring complex code
  • uwsgi supports running code as a lower privileged user

Of course the overall security of the service is also heavily dependent on the configuration of the server infrastructure and access policies.

Scaling up

While the codebase of this server is small, it has decent muscle. The stateless design makes it perfectly possible to scale it up to work in a bigger environment. There is nothing in the code that "does not scale". The smallness and flexibility of the software makes it actually easier to scale, allowing easier switch of components in case that is needed. For example, you can start with the uwsgi provided background tasks framework and replace that later on with, say Celery, if you see it scales and fits better.

In a traditional setup you first scale up vertically, you "buy a bigger server". This code contains a few measures that helps scaling up vertically:

  • you can add worker processes to match the single server capacity
  • you can add more background processes if there is a lot of background jobs
  • slow requests are logged so you see when they start to cumulate
  • stuck requests never halt the whole server - stuck workers are killed after 20 seconds by default, freeing resources to other workers (harakiri)
  • you can optimize SQL, write raw queries, let the database do work better
  • you can cache data in Redis

When you outgrow the biggest single server, and start adding servers, you scale horizontally. The core API server component can be cloned into a cluster of servers where each of them operates independently of the others. Scaling the API server here is easy, it is the other factors that become harder, like database scaling and infra management.

Run in Raspberry

RESTPie3 runs fine in Raspberry. RESTPie3 is lightweight, does not consume much resources, and supports robust daemon and worker management that is important in a setup that may have more hiccups such as power outages or connectivity issues.

In a Raspberry setup there usually is less need for a big database. Hence RESTPie3 also supports SQLite which is a small but solid zero configuration SQL database.

To activate SQLite mode, configure server-config.json like this:

"PYSRV_DATABASE_HOST": "/app/data/mydb.sqlite",

Then follow steps in "Run and Develop locally with Docker". Invoke ./ Then initialize SQLite database inside the container, from another terminal:

docker exec -it restpie-dev bash -l -c 'python3 /app/scripts/'

The SQLite database file will be created into RESTPiE3/data/mydb.sqlite. Note that this file is outside the container, accessed via volume so the file is not destroyed when the image is destroyed.

Local container should now run with SQLite database.

Setup Raspberry

The setup steps for Raspberry are similar as with any Linux host. Here's the steps in short. I assume you already have a working SSH connection to Raspberry with pubkey configured.

    # in raspberry:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install redis-server
    sudo apt-get install python3-pip
    sudo mkdir /app/
    sudo chown pi /app

    # in local machine:
    pico # write your own HOST
    # then transfer files to raspberry /app/

    # in raspberry:
    pico /app/requirements.txt # remove psycopg2-binary
    sudo pip3 install -r /app/requirements.txt
    sudo pip3 install uwsgi
    cd /app/
    export PYTHONPATH=/app/py/
    cp conf/server-config.json real-server-config.json
    export PYSRV_CONFIG_PATH=/app/real-server-config.json

    # init sqlite database
    mkdir data
    python3 scripts/
    # empty database was created at /app/data/mydb.sqlite
    pico /app/real-server-config.json # make sure all is correct, change PYSRV_REDIS_HOST to "localhost:6379"

    # setup server as a service, to start on reboot
    sudo cp conf/pydaemon.service /etc/systemd/system/
    sudo systemctl enable pydaemon
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl start pydaemon

    # in local machine:
    # edit sources, then rsync...
    # server reloads itself automatically

What about the front-end?

This is primarily a back-end Python server that provides a REST API to the world. There is no front-end implementation in this project apart from the four quick auth pages. This is because the focus is on creating a good REST API server that serves web front-ends and native mobile apps, but also because I think that it is good to modularize the front-end and back-end code cleanly into separate code bases.

There is a simple example.html page if you just want to quickly output an HTML page that is generated at server side in the old fashioned way.

Also included are simple HTML pages for login, signup, forgot password and reset password since these pages are usually required in every project and it is boring to always build them from scratch. Only HTML and CSS is used with zero lines of Javascript. It is easy to start the project with them and create something fancier later if needed.

Need help?

This starter is intended to provide you a quick start in building a great foundation for an API back-end. Take this code and see if it works for you. This server is not a toy - it is a practical, solid server that is based on my experience in building full-stack services over the years.

If you need dev power in building your great service, back or front, you can email me to ask if I am available for freelancing work. Check my blog at


MIT License


/api/list returns an HTML page that lists the available API methods and their docstring automatically.



/auth/signup quick auth pages for login/signup/forgot password/reset password.