Konstrukt is a minimalistic framework which provides a foundation on which to build rather than a boxed solution to all problems. It focuses on the controller layer, and tries to encourage the developer to deal directly with the HTTP protocol instead of abstracting it away. Konstrukt uses a hierarchical controller pattern, which provides a greater level of flexibility than the popular routed front controller frameworks.
- Controllers are resources
- URI-to-controller-mapping gives your application a logical structure
- Routing based on logic rather than rules
- Nested controllers supports composite view rendering
- Embrace HTTP rather than hide it
- Enable the programmer, rather than automating
- Favour aggregation over code-generation or config-files
- Encourage encapsulation, and deter use of global scope
- Limit focus to the controller layer
###Read the documentation
You can read the documentation on konstrukt.dk
###Installing through PEAR
The easiest way to install Konstrukt, is through PEAR. In a console, type the following:
sudo pear channel-discover pearhub.org
sudo pear install pearhub/konstrukt
###Creating a new project
You can create a new project by cloning the starterpack under /examples/
Download the newest version of konstrukt from: http://github.com/troelskn/konstrukt/downloads. Then copy starterpack_default
cp -R examples/starterpack_default /var/www/foo
Replace /var/www/foo
with the location where you want your app to reside.