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Forward Apache Pulsar messages to an MQTT broker.

This repository has been created as part of the Waltti APC project.


  1. Create a suitable .env file for configuration. Check below for the configuration reference.

  2. Create any necessary secrets that the .env file points to.

  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Run linters and tests and build:

    npm run check-and-build
  5. Load the environment variables:

    set -a
    source .env
    set +a
  6. Run the application:

    npm start


You can use the Docker image tvvlmj/pulsar-mqtt-forwarder:edge. Check out the available tags.


Environment variable Required? Default value Description
HEALTH_CHECK_PORT ❌ No 8080 Which port to use to respond to health checks.
MQTT_CLEAN_SESSION ❌ No false Whether to clean the MQTT session on (re)connect. Setting MQTT_CLEAN_SESSION to true forces forgetting the context of messages received and sent, effectively dropping QoS 1 and QoS 2 messages that have not been acknowledged. Specific to Client Identifier.
MQTT_CLIENT_ID_PREFIX ✅ Yes The static part of the Client Identifier to use when connecting to the MQTT broker. Client Identifier must be unique on the broker or connecting will cause the broker to drop the existing connection of the other client with the identical Client Identifier and will cause this client to receive the uncleaned state of the other client, depending on the value of MQTT_CLEAN_SESSION. For uniqueness per instance, use MQTT_CLIENT_ID_SUFFIX_LENGTH.
MQTT_CLIENT_ID_SUFFIX_LENGTH ❌ No The length of a random UTF-8-encoded suffix to append to MQTT_CLIENT_ID_PREFIX. The length is measured in bytes. The suffix content will be random Base64-encoded bytes generated when the process starts. If MQTT_CLIENT_ID_SUFFIX_LENGTH is not set or its value is 0, no suffix will be added. Negative values throw an exception. Positive integers will lead to appending that many bytes. MQTT brokers have limits on the length of the total Client Identifier. The MQTT standard version 3.1.1 requires brokers to tolerate at least 23 UTF-8-encoded bytes in total as the length for the Client Identifier. In practice, the size limit is much higher.
MQTT_PASSWORD_PATH ❌ No The path to the file containing the password to the MQTT broker. If MQTT_USERNAME_PATH is set, MQTT_PASSWORD_PATH must also be set.
MQTT_QOS ❌ No 2 The Quality of Service (QoS) of the MQTT messages. If set, must be either 0, 1 or 2.
MQTT_TOPIC ✅ Yes The MQTT topic to send the messages to. If the Pulsar message has a property called topicSuffix, that string will be appended to MQTT_TOPIC as such. If the Pulsar message does not have that property, MQTT_TOPIC is the full MQTT topic. Note that no forward slash is automatically added between MQTT_TOPIC and topicSuffix, unlike in HSLdevcom/pulsar-mqtt-gateway.
MQTT_URL ✅ Yes The URL for the MQTT broker.
MQTT_USERNAME_PATH ❌ No The path to the file containing the username to the MQTT broker. If MQTT_PASSWORD_PATH is set, MQTT_USERNAME_PATH must also be set.
PINO_LOG_LEVEL ❌ No info The level of logging to use. One of "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace" or "silent".
PULSAR_TOPICS_PATTERN ✅ Yes The Pulsar topics pattern to consume messages from.
PULSAR_SUBSCRIPTION ✅ Yes The name of the Pulsar subscription for reading messages from PULSAR_TOPICS_PATTERN.
PULSAR_OAUTH2_AUDIENCE ✅ Yes The OAuth 2.0 audience for Pulsar.
PULSAR_OAUTH2_ISSUER_URL ✅ Yes The OAuth 2.0 issuer URL for Pulsar.
PULSAR_OAUTH2_KEY_PATH ✅ Yes The path to the OAuth 2.0 private key JSON file for Pulsar.
PULSAR_SERVICE_URL ✅ Yes The service URL for Pulsar.
PULSAR_TLS_VALIDATE_HOSTNAME ❌ No true Whether to validate the Pulsar hostname on its TLS certificate. This option exists because some Apache Pulsar hosting providers cannot handle Apache Pulsar clients setting this to true.


Forward Apache Pulsar messages to an MQTT broker







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