This is my first attempt at writing Erlang :) It is a simple blog written in Erlang using yaws as a webserver and mnesia as DB(aka as LYME stack).
It is not meant to be used by anyone and is probably not a good example of writing erlang.
I tested it on Erlang R14B04,and the rest of the requirments are handled by rebar
Erblog uses yaws so we need to fetch it using rebar:
./rebar get-deps
Since erblog uses mnesia we first need to create a schema,run:
priv/start_dev db
This will create mnesia schema on this node and insert some dummy data,to close the erlang shell simply type q().
just run:
The blog should be running on http://localhost:9090
In the erlang shell type:
erblog_models:add_post(3,"Your title","Your content").
To restore the db to its initial state run:
priv/start_dev clean_db