I'm a Full Stack Software Engineer who believes that Experience is learning something new everyday.
- 🔭 I’m currently learning Business & Product Growth Strategies
- 💬 Ask me about anything related to product development(architecture, scaling/monitoring/growth)
- ⚡ I like blogging, reading and working on new stuff!
code: ["Java", "Typescript", "Dart"],
askMeAbout: ["Tech", "Architecture", "Product Development", "Scaling", "Growth", "Professional Development", "Security"],
technologies: {
backEnd: ["Java", "Spring boot", "Node", "Express"],
frontEnd: ["Typescript", "Javascript", "React", "Redux", "HTML", "CSS", "SASS"],
mobile: ["Flutter"],
cloud: ["AWS", "Google Cloud Platform", "Firebase"],
databases: ["DataStore", "Redis", "MySQL", "Firestore", "DynamoDB"],
devOps: ["AWS", "Docker", "Kibana", "Grafana", "Datadog"],
design: ["Sketch", "Figma", "Zeplin"],
misc: ["Git", "GitLab", "GitHub", "CI/CD", "Accessibility", "Performance"]
architecture: ["Serverless", "Microservice", "RESTful", "Progressive Web Applications(PWA)", "Single Page Applications(SPA)"],
currentFocus: "Scaling distributed service architecture",