This Experiment is used to integrate python program with arduino using serial communication.
Packages required : opencv, pyserial, cvzone, mediapipe
Steps for doing this Experiment: About
- Open any Python IDE, and use my program.
- Install serial package using the following command in terminal "pip install pyserial".
- Install openCv package using the following command in terminal "pip install opencv-python".
- Install cvzone package using the following command in terminal "pip install cvzone".
- Install mediapipe package using the following command in terminal "pip install meidapipe".
- In line number 5, we have port='COM_'. for getting the serial port number, goto device manager of your system > ports > check your arduino port number.
About LEDs_using_finger_count.ino:
- Open arduino IDE and copy paste the program.
- select the correct board and COM port and then upload the program.
For Connections:
we require:
- 4 LEDs
- Arduino
- some wires
circuit diagram:
- First of all Upload the LEDs_using_finger_count.ino program on to the arduino
- Next in python IDE, Run the program
- Then check for the output