@verndale/color-palette - A customizable map of colors.
Color palette is a function and a simple map of colors that can be overriden.
npm install @verndale/color-palette --save
This should be the first file you import in to your main SCSS entry file. You can import this file either after or before your normalize or reset SCSS, it doesn't matter as color-palette does not depend on these styles.
Define a color map and import the color-palette after the map definition.
//-- styles.scss
//assuming this file is in src/scss (src/scss/styles.scss)
$colors: (
"blue": "#0000FF",
"green": "#00FF00"
import "../../node_modules/@verndale/color-palette/colors";
body {
background: color("blue");
There are predefined colors that come with color-palette and are ready for use upon importing.
- "white": #FFF
- "black": #000
- "reddit-one": #CEE3F8
- "reddit-two": #FF5700
- "twitter": #55ACEE
- "pinterest": #CB2027
- "instagram": #125688
- "facebook": #3B5998
- "linkedin": #007BB5
- "dropbox": #007EE5
- "vine": #00BF8F
- "whatsapp": #4DC247
- "flickr": #FF0084
- "tumblr": #32506D
- "vimeo": #AAD450
- "spotify": #00E461
- "github": #000
- "behance": #1769FF
- "youtube": #B00
- "googleplus": #DD4B39
- "rss": #F60
- "snapchat": #FFFC00
These predefined colors are mixed in and can be used with our custom colors we defined.
//-- styles.scss
//assuming this file is in src/scss (src/scss/styles.scss)
$colors: (
"blue": #0000FF,
"green": #00FF00
import "../../node_modules/@verndale/color-palette/colors";
body {
color: color("black"); //predefined color
background: color("blue"); //custom color we defined
.icon--facebook {
color: color("facebook"); //predefined color