Julia implementation of the Variable-Speed Travelling Salesman Problem documented on Kučerová, Kristýna & Váňa, Petr & Faigl, Jan. (2021). Variable-Speed Traveling Salesman Problem for Vehicles with Curvature Constrained Trajectories. 4714-4719. 10.1109/IROS51168.2021.9636762.
. The Accelerated Dubins library was also adapted for proper use.
The base source file VsTsp.jl
can be imported by your Julia script or directly from the REPL, then used as follows:
#"Default" vehicle parameters, you can also make your own with VehicleParameters struct
params = VsTsp.get_cessna172_params()
#Read a .tsp file and get time graph for curves
graph, speed, heading, radii = VsTsp.get_graph("./instances/random.tsp", params)
#Execute the algorithm
path, points, config = VsTsp.vns_tsp(g, "./instances/random.tsp", params, speed, heading, radii)
#Plot resulting path/speeds
VsTSp.Visual.plot_full_path(points, path)
VsTsp.Visual.plot_full_speeds(path, params)
- att48
- Random Instance