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GA‐QAS: Introduction

Vu Tuan Hai edited this page May 21, 2024 · 8 revisions

In various quantum optimization problems, choosing the right ansatz is a critical point that will affect the result. Many template ansatzes have been proposed, such as Graph Ansatz and EffecientSU2, … but they are limited to the applications that you can apply. Then, we propose a search engine called GA-QAS (Genetic algorithm for quantum architecture search). This search engine can take your problem as input and return a good ansatz for you. In this post, we will guide you on how to use it efficiently.

Now, let’s start!

Step 1. Define problem (W state preparation)

Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 21 52 36

Fig 1. State preparation scheme based on quantum compilation technique, where $U(\theta)$, $V^{\dagger}$ are ansatz and state that need to prepare [1][2]

In this post, we will use a Python package named $\langle qo|op \rangle$, which is a core package for our various research, including this research. You can download it via:

!git clone

Note that you should put it on the same level as your Python/Jupyter Notebook file. The best is:

|   your_jupyter_file.ipynb    
│   └───evolution
│       │
│       │
│       │   ...

If not, you should include this line to config the path:

import sys

The required packages are qiskit, matplotlib, and tdqm. First, we define the problem, take example quantum state preparation, more easier W state preparation. 3-qubit W state is defined as:

$$ |W_3\rangle=V|000\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}(|001\rangle+|010\rangle+|100\rangle) $$

And so on for a larger number of qubits. If we want to prepare such a state, we will need to care about the unitary operator $V$, but in some cases, $V$ requires large resources (such as large depth and number of gates). Then, we want to find another unitary $U(\theta)$ that is "equal" to V, $U(\theta)$ requires fewer resources than $V$ but consumes an initial to optimize $\theta$. The problem comes from here: the structure of $U$, or ansatz $U$, affects how "hard" and "large" this optimization process is.

You can try to prepare 3-qubit W state by using $\langle qo|op \rangle$, a wiki can be found here:

from qoop.compilation.qsp import QuantumStatePreparation
from qoop.core import ansatz, state

compiler = QuantumStatePreparation(
    u = ansatz.g2(num_qubits = 3, num_layers = 1)
    target_state = state.w(num_qubits = 3).inverse()
).fit(num_steps = 100) # Define the optimization process and begin to optimize in 100 iterations
compiler.plot() # Plot optimization process

Make sure that you can run the above code. We wrap it into a function $f: U \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, the return value of this function is the (1 - cost value) of the optimization process, which means near 1 is good.

import qiskit
def fitnessW(qc: qiskit.QuantumCircuit):
    qsp = QuantumStatePreparation(
        u = qc,
        target_state = state.w(num_qubits = 3).inverse()
    return 1 - qsp.compiler.metrics['loss_fubini_study'][-1] # Fitness value

Step 2. Configuration for genetic algorithm

Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 22 30 41

Fig 2. The general pipeline of GA-QAS

A genetic algorithm (GA) is a heuristic algorithm based on a genetic combination process. GA processes include Selection, Cross-over, and Mutation. We treat ansatz as an individual in the population (where gates are its genes).

Process Method
Population generation A $n$ ansatz is initialized from a pool gate (Clifford+Ri+CRi) with certain provided metadata
Selection Get fitness value from the fitness function; simply sort from high to low and take the first half part
Cross-over Divide 2 ansatz into four parts, then combine each two parts into 2 new ansatz
Mutation Each gate on ansatz has a small probability of mutating to another gate (with the same number of qubits) in the pool

Tab 1. Detail of each operation in GA-QAS.

The overall process can be viewed in Fig. 2.

In GA, some hyper-parameters need to be considered and defined before you run GA-QAS:

from qoop.evolution.environment import EEnvironmentMetadata
env_metadata = EEnvironmentMetadata(
        num_qubits, # As its name
        depth, # Ansatz depth you want
        num_circuit, # Number of ansatz per generation
        num_generation, # Number of generation/iteration for GA 
        prob_mutate # Mutation probability, usually as small as 0.01 (1%)

Then, you need to create an Environment object, the important parameter is fitness_func, which is the function name that we declared above:

from qoop.evolution.environment import EEnvironment
env = EEnvironment(
     metadata = env_metadata,
     fitness_func = fitnessW,

The object EEnvironment has other parameters such as selection_func, crossover_func, mutate_func, threshold_func which can be imported from below sub-module:

from qoop.evolution import crossover, mutate, selection, threshold

or defined by yourself.

Parrameter Default Function type
selection_func selection.elitist_selection $f$: [qiskit.QuantumCircuit] $\times$ $\mathbb{R}^{N}$ $\rightarrow$ [qiskit.QuantumCircuit]
crossover_func crossover.onepoint_crossover $f$: qiskit.QuantumCircuit $\times$ qiskit.QuantumCircuit $\rightarrow$ qiskit.QuantumCircuit $\times$ qiskit.QuantumCircuit
mutate_func mutate.layerflip_mutate $f$: qiskit.QuantumCircuit $\rightarrow$ qiskit.QuantumCircuit
threshold_func threshold.compilation_threshold $f$: $\mathbb{R} \rightarrow$ {0,1}

Table 2: Functions for GA-QAS

Step 3. Run GA-QAS

You can call the method evol() to start running GA-QAS.

   verbose = 1, 
   auto_save = True

There are only two parameters: the first is verbose (1 means print % process, 0 means no print), and the second is the saving option. The saving result's folder is detailed on GA-QAS: folder result.

Step 4. Plot result

Currently, we support plotting fitness values against a number of generations. In the future, we will develop more presentation plots.



Fig 3. Fitness values versus number of generations.

The result is saved in a folder; the default folder name is based on the fitness function name. We care about a file named best_circuit.qpy, which is our final solution. Then, we can load it by $\langle qo|op\rangle$ and put it into fitness again to test:

from qoop.backend import utilities
best_circuit = utilities.load_circuit("Path to best_circuit.qpy")
fitness_value = fitnessW(best_circuit)


In this post, we have introduced a way to use GA-QAS, just define your own problem (fitness function) and it will help you find best ansatz automatically. For more information and documentation, explore the following links:

  • $\langle qo|op\rangle$: core package for GA-QAS.
  • GA-QAS:
    • Paper: Coming soon.
    • Wiki: Load folder result and continue to evol()
    • Wiki: Full pipeline.

Thanks for reading! Please do not hesitate to ask us any questions via e-mail: or LinkedIn.


[1] Hai, V. T., Viet, N. T., & Ho, L. B. (2023). Variational preparation of entangled states on quantum computers. arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.17422.

[2] Khatri, S., LaRose, R., Poremba, A., Cincio, L., Sornborger, A. T., & Coles, P. J. (2019). Quantum-assisted quantum compiling. Quantum, 3, 140.

Appendix: Full code

The Jupyter notebook which contains the above code can be found here

import qiskit
from qoop.core import state, metric, ansatz
from qoop.compilation.qsp import QuantumStatePreparation
from qoop.evolution.environment import EEnvironmentMetadata
from qoop.evolution.environment import EEnvironment

def fitnessW(qc: qiskit.QuantumCircuit):
    qsp = QuantumStatePreparation(
        u = qc,
        target_state = state.w(num_qubits = 3).inverse()
    ).fit(num_steps = 100)
    return 1 - qsp.compiler.metrics['loss_fubini_study'][-1] # Fitness value

env_metadata = EEnvironmentMetadata(
        num_qubits = 3, # As its name
        depth = 4, # Ansatz depth you want
        num_circuit = 4, # Number of ansatz per generation
        num_generation = 10, # Number of generation/iteration for GA 
        prob_mutate = 0.01 # Mutation probability, usually as small as 0.01 (1%)

env = EEnvironment(
    metadata = env_metadata,
    fitness_func = fitnessW,