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This Role applies security changes to an AEM instance.

This role was developed as part of the DevOps Ansible Automation for AEM to integrate Ansible with CONGA but can be used independently of it.

admin user password change

At the moment only the password change for the admin user is implemented.

💡 Please note that the password of the Felix Webconsole will not be changed by this role, since this should be changed by deploying an OSGi configuration.

Please refer to conga-aem-definitions for more information on how to generate the package.

Especially these two places are from interest:


This role is used by the Ansible role wcm_io_devops.conga_aem_cms to change the admin password during instance setup.


This role requires Ansible 2.7 or higher and was tested with AEM 6.3

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with their default values:

    aem_security_admin_user: admin

Username of admin user.

    # aem_security_admin_password_new: admin

New Password, set together with aem_security_admin_password_old to change the password.

    aem_security_admin_password_old: admin

Old password, set if you want to change to the new password.

    aem_security_aem_port: 4502

Port and package manager service URL of the AEM instance.

    aem_security_url_base: "http://localhost:{{ aem_security_aem_port }}"

Base url for the AEM instance.

    aem_security_url_userinfo: "{{ aem_security_url_base }}/bin/querybuilder.json?path=/home/users&1_property=rep:authorizableId&1_property.value={{ aem_security_admin_user }}&p.limit=-1"

URL for user info.

    aem_security_url_password_check: "{{ aem_security_url_base }}/crx/de/j_security_check"

URL for password check.

    aem_security_url_password_valid_code: 403

Expected http code for a valid password.

    aem_security_url_password_invalid_code: 401

Expected http code for an invalid password.

    aem_security_url_password_set: "{{ aem_security_url_base }}/crx/explorer/ui/setpassword.jsp"

URL used for setting the new password.


This role has no dependencies.

Example Playbook

Changes the admin password from "admin" to "password".

- hosts: aem-author
    aem_security_admin_password_new: password
    aem_security_admin_password_old: admin
    - wcm_io_devops.aem_security


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