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Deal with HTTP status codes other than 200
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edsko committed Jul 19, 2024
1 parent 249c6d0 commit da4f57f
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Showing 7 changed files with 247 additions and 89 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions grapesy.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -301,6 +301,7 @@ test-suite test-grapesy
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -340,6 +341,7 @@ test-suite test-grapesy
, lens >= 5.0 && < 5.4
, mtl >= 2.2 && < 2.4
, network >= 3.1 && < 3.3
, network-run >= 0.4 && < 0.5
, prettyprinter >= 1.7 && < 1.8
, prettyprinter-ansi-terminal >= 1.1 && < 1.2
, proto-lens >= 0.7 && < 0.8
Expand Down
112 changes: 28 additions & 84 deletions src/Network/GRPC/Client/Session.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,10 +11,6 @@ module Network.GRPC.Client.Session (
) where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BS.Lazy
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Void
import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,33 +66,38 @@ instance SupportsClientRpc rpc => IsSession (ClientSession rpc) where
type Outbound (ClientSession rpc) = ClientOutbound rpc

buildOutboundTrailers _ = \NoMetadata -> []
parseInboundTrailers _ = parseTrailers (parseProperTrailers' (Proxy @rpc))
parseInboundTrailers _ = \trailers ->
if null trailers then
-- Although we parse the trailers in a lenient fashion (like all
-- headers), only throwing errors for headers that we really need, if we
-- get no trailers at /all/, then most likely something has gone wrong;
-- for example, perhaps an intermediate cache has dropped the gRPC
-- trailers entirely. We therefore check for this case separately and
-- throw a different error.
throwIO $ CallClosedWithoutTrailers
return $ parseProperTrailers' (Proxy @rpc) trailers

parseMsg _ = parseOutput (Proxy @rpc) . inbCompression
buildMsg _ = buildInput (Proxy @rpc) . outCompression

instance SupportsClientRpc rpc => InitiateSession (ClientSession rpc) where
parseResponse session info = do
-- TODO: <>
unless (HTTP.statusCode (responseStatus info) == 200) $
throwIO $ CallSetupUnexpectedStatus
(responseStatus info)
(fromMaybe BS.Lazy.empty $ responseBody info)

if isTrailersOnly info then fmap FlowStartNoMessages $
parseTrailers (parseTrailersOnly' (Proxy @rpc)) (responseHeaders info)
else fmap FlowStartRegular $ do
let responseHeaders' :: ResponseHeaders'
responseHeaders' = parseResponseHeaders' (Proxy @rpc) $
responseHeaders info
cIn <- getInboundCompression session $
responseCompression responseHeaders'
clientUpdateMeta session responseHeaders'

return $ InboundHeaders {
inbHeaders = responseHeaders'
, inbCompression = cIn
parseResponse session (ResponseInfo status headers body) =
case classifyServerResponse (Proxy @rpc) status headers body of
Left trailersOnly ->
-- We classify the response as Trailers-Only if the grpc-status header
-- is present, or when the HTTP status is anything other than 200 OK
-- (which we treat, as per the spec, as an implicit grpc-status).
-- The 'CallClosedWithoutTrailers' case is therefore not relevant.
return $ FlowStartNoMessages trailersOnly
Right responseHeaders' -> do
cIn <- getInboundCompression session $
responseCompression responseHeaders'
clientUpdateMeta session responseHeaders'
return $ FlowStartRegular $ InboundHeaders {
inbHeaders = responseHeaders'
, inbCompression = cIn

buildRequestInfo _ start = RequestInfo {
requestMethod = rawMethod resourceHeaders
Expand All @@ -116,29 +117,6 @@ instance SupportsClientRpc rpc => InitiateSession (ClientSession rpc) where
instance NoTrailers (ClientSession rpc) where
noTrailers _ = NoMetadata

-- | Check if we are in the Trailers-Only case
-- It is tempting to use the HTTP @Content-Length@ header to determine whether
-- we are in the Trailers-Only case or not, but this is doubly wrong:
-- * There might be servers who use the Trailers-Only case but do not set the
-- @Content-Length@ header (although such a server would not conform to the
-- HTTP spec: "An origin server SHOULD send a @Content-Length@ header field
-- when the content size is known prior to sending the complete header
-- section"; see
-- <>).
-- * Conversely, there might be servers or proxies who /do/ set @Content-Length@
-- header even when it's /not/ the Trailers-Only case (e.g., see
-- <> or
-- <>).
-- We therefore check for the presence of the @grpc-status@ header instead.
isTrailersOnly :: ResponseInfo -> Bool
isTrailersOnly = any isGrpcStatus . responseHeaders
isGrpcStatus :: HTTP.Header -> Bool
isGrpcStatus (name, _value) = name == "grpc-status"

-- | Determine compression used for messages from the peer
getInboundCompression ::
ClientSession rpc
Expand All @@ -152,47 +130,13 @@ getInboundCompression session = \case
Just compr -> return compr
Nothing -> throwIO $ CallSetupUnsupportedCompression cid

Internal auxiliary

-- | Parse proper trailers
-- Although we parse the trailers in a lenient fashion (like all headers),
-- only throwing errors for headers that we really need, if we get no trailers
-- at /all/, then most likely something has gone wrong; for example, perhaps
-- an intermediate cache has dropped the gRPC trailers entirely. We therefore
-- check for this case separately and throw a different error.
parseTrailers ::
([HTTP.Header] -> trailers)
-> [HTTP.Header] -> IO trailers
parseTrailers _ [] = throwIO $ CallClosedWithoutTrailers
parseTrailers f raw = return $ f raw


data CallSetupFailure =
-- | Server sent a HTTP status other than 200 OK
-- This can happen in one of two situations:
-- * We sent a malformed request to the server. This cannot happen in
-- @grapesy@ unless 'Network.GRPC.Client.ConnParams' is misconfigured.
-- * We are dealing with non-compliant server.
-- We also include the response body.
-- TODO: <>.
-- The spec /does/ require us to deal with non-compliant servers in limited
-- ways. For example, some non-compliant servers might return a HTTP 404
-- instead of a HTTP 200 with a 'GrpcStatus' of 'GrpcUnimplemented'. We do
-- not yet do this.
CallSetupUnexpectedStatus HTTP.Status Lazy.ByteString

-- | Server chose an unsupported compression algorithm
| CallSetupUnsupportedCompression CompressionId
CallSetupUnsupportedCompression CompressionId

-- | We failed to parse the response headers
| CallSetupInvalidResponseHeaders InvalidHeaders
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Network/GRPC/Spec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ module Network.GRPC.Spec (
, buildResponseHeaders
, parseResponseHeaders
, parseResponseHeaders'
, classifyServerResponse
-- ** Trailers
, ProperTrailers_(..)
, ProperTrailers
Expand Down
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions src/Network/GRPC/Spec/Headers/Response.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Deal with HTTP2 responses
Expand All @@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ module Network.GRPC.Spec.Headers.Response (
, simpleProperTrailers
, trailersOnlyToProperTrailers
, properTrailersToTrailersOnly
, classifyServerResponse
-- * gRPC termination
, GrpcException(..)
, throwGrpcError
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,14 +51,23 @@ import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS.Strict
import Data.ByteString qualified as Strict (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BS.Strict.C8
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BS.Lazy
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.CaseInsensitive qualified as CI
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
import Text.Read (readMaybe)

#if !MIN_VERSION_text(2,0,0)
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error qualified as Text

import Network.GRPC.Spec.Compression (CompressionId)
import Network.GRPC.Spec.CustomMetadata.Map
import Network.GRPC.Spec.CustomMetadata.Raw
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,6 +263,125 @@ trailersOnlyToProperTrailers TrailersOnly{
, trailersOnlyContentType

Classify server response

-- | Classify server response
-- gRPC servers are supposed to respond with HTTP status @200 OK@ no matter
-- whether the call was successful or not; if not successful, the information
-- about the failure should be reported using @grpc-status@ and related headers
-- (@grpc-message@, @grpc-status-details-bin@).
-- The gRPC spec mandates that if we get a non-200 status from a broken
-- deployment, we synthesize a gRPC exception with an appropriate status and
-- status message. The spec itself does not provide any guidance on what such an
-- appropriate status would look like, but the official gRPC repo does provide a
-- partial mapping between HTTP status codes and gRPC status codes at
-- <>.
-- This is the mapping we implement here.
classifyServerResponse :: forall rpc.
IsRPC rpc
=> Proxy rpc
-> HTTP.Status -- ^ HTTP status
-> [HTTP.Header] -- ^ Headers
-> Maybe Lazy.ByteString -- ^ Response body, if known (used for errors only)
-> Either TrailersOnly' ResponseHeaders'
classifyServerResponse rpc status headers mBody
-- The "HTTP to gRPC Status Code Mapping" is explicit:
-- > (..) to be used only for clients that received a response that did not
-- > include grpc-status. If grpc-status was provided, it must be used.
-- Therefore if @grpc-status@ is present, we ignore the HTTP status.
| hasGrpcStatus headers
= Left $ parseTrailersOnly' rpc headers

| 200 <- statusCode
= Right $ parseResponseHeaders' rpc headers

| otherwise
= Left $
case statusCode of
400 -> synthesize GrpcInternal -- Bad request
401 -> synthesize GrpcUnauthenticated -- Unauthorized
403 -> synthesize GrpcPermissionDenied -- Forbidden
404 -> synthesize GrpcUnimplemented -- Not found
429 -> synthesize GrpcUnavailable -- Too many requests
502 -> synthesize GrpcUnavailable -- Bad gateway
503 -> synthesize GrpcUnavailable -- Service unavailable
504 -> synthesize GrpcUnavailable -- Gateway timeout
_ -> synthesize GrpcUnknown
HTTP.Status{statusCode, statusMessage} = status

-- The @grpc-status@ header not present, and HTTP status not @200 OK@.
-- We classify the response as an error response (hence 'TrailersOnly''):
-- * We set 'properTrailersGrpcStatus' based on the HTTP status.
-- * We leave 'properTrailersGrpcMessage' alone if @grpc-message@ present
-- and valid, and replace it with a default message otherwise.
-- The resulting 'TrailersOnly'' cannot contain any parse errors
-- (only @grpc-status@ is required, and only @grpc-message@ can fail).
synthesize :: GrpcError -> TrailersOnly'
synthesize err = parsed {
trailersOnlyProper = parsedTrailers {
properTrailersGrpcStatus = Right $
GrpcError err
, properTrailersGrpcMessage = Right $
case properTrailersGrpcMessage parsedTrailers of
Right (Just msg) -> Just msg
_otherwise -> Just defaultMsg

parsed :: TrailersOnly'
parsed = parseTrailersOnly' rpc headers

parsedTrailers :: ProperTrailers'
parsedTrailers = trailersOnlyProper parsed

defaultMsg :: Text
defaultMsg = mconcat [
"Unexpected HTTP status code "
, Text.pack (show statusCode)
, if not (BS.Strict.null statusMessage)
then " (" <> decodeUtf8Lenient statusMessage <> ")"
else mempty
, case mBody of
Just body | not (BS.Lazy.null body) -> mconcat [
"\nResponse body:\n"
, decodeUtf8Lenient (BS.Lazy.toStrict body)
_otherwise ->

-- | Is the @grpc-status@ header set?
-- We use this as a proxy to determine if we are in the Trailers-Only case.
-- It might be tempting to use the HTTP @Content-Length@ header instead, but
-- this is doubly wrong:
-- * There might be servers who use the Trailers-Only case but do not set the
-- @Content-Length@ header (although such a server would not conform to the
-- HTTP spec: "An origin server SHOULD send a @Content-Length@ header field
-- when the content size is known prior to sending the complete header
-- section"; see
-- <>).
-- * Conversely, there might be servers or proxies who /do/ set @Content-Length@
-- header even when it's /not/ the Trailers-Only case (e.g., see
-- <> or
-- <>).
-- We therefore check for the presence of the @grpc-status@ header instead.
hasGrpcStatus :: [HTTP.Header] -> Bool
hasGrpcStatus = isJust . lookup "grpc-status"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -676,3 +806,9 @@ parseTrailersOnly' proxy =
otherInvalid :: Either InvalidHeaders () -> InvalidHeaders
otherInvalid = either id (\() -> mempty)

decodeUtf8Lenient :: BS.Strict.C8.ByteString -> Text
#if MIN_VERSION_text(2,0,0)
decodeUtf8Lenient = Text.decodeUtf8Lenient
decodeUtf8Lenient = Text.decodeUtf8With Text.lenientDecode
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test-grapesy/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import GHC.Conc.Sync (threadLabel)
import Test.Prop.Dialogue qualified as Dialogue
import Test.Prop.IncrementalParsing qualified as IncrementalParsing
import Test.Prop.Serialization qualified as Serialization
import Test.Sanity.BrokenDeployments qualified as BrokenDeployments
import Test.Sanity.EndOfStream qualified as EndOfStream
import Test.Sanity.Interop qualified as Interop
import Test.Sanity.StreamingType.CustomFormat qualified as StreamingType.CustomFormat
Expand All @@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ main = do
, StreamingType.CustomFormat.tests
, Interop.tests
, BrokenDeployments.tests
, testGroup "Prop" [
Expand Down

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