@Mention is a GroupMe chat bot built on Hubot. It was configured to be deployed on Heroku to get you up and running as quick as possible.
Mention (tag) certain groups within your group
Deploy to heroku easily!
- Fork the repository to your GitHub account
- Log in to Heroku
- Create a new app
- Deploy from your GitHub and select the repo
- Configure environment variables (and optionally Redis)
Start by configuring the environment variables below:
And optionally configure a Redis server for blacklist persistence.
###Add Additional Groups
Copy/paste the robot.hear @e1/@e2 fucntion and add uers ids to the xD array
get user ids from:
curl -m https://api.groupme.com/v3/groups?token=token123
Once configured, you can run the bot with ./bin/hubot -a groupme
You should now be able to open the GroupMe room you've chosen and tag everyone in the group by mentioning @mention!