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WordPress Sverige

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Brought to you by WordPress Sveriges team with help from with server and development workflow setup.

A WordPress project layout for use with Git, Composer and Nginx. It also includes a config for an opinionated Vagrant box.

This same project layout is used by default on all instances for easy deployment workflow. Contents of this repository equals to what you would have on the server in the directory /data/wordpress/.



  1. Install Xcode
  2. Install Vagrant
  3. Install Virtualbox
  4. Clone this repo
  5. Run the installation in terminal:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater vagrant-triggers vagrant-bindfs
$ vagrant up

Linux (Ubuntu/Debian)

To use virtualbox make sure you have vt-x enabled in your bios.

sudo apt-get install -y vagrant virtualbox virtualbox-dkms
git clone ~/wordpress-dev
cd ~/wordpress-dev
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater vagrant-triggers vagrant-bindfs
vagrant up

Linux (CentOS/RHEL/Fedora)

Add RPMFusion repositories. See RpmFusion. Repository is needed for Virtualbox.

Clone the wordpress Git repo and run following commands:

sudo yum install vagrant virtualbox ruby-devel
sudo gem update bundler
sudo gem install hittimes -v '1.2.2'
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater vagrant-triggers vagrant-bindfs
sudo modprobe vboxdrv #Need to load the kernel module for virtualbox, you may want to load it automatically on boot...
vagrant up

Linux (General)

If you get errors related to creating host-only network adapters during vagrant up, run sudo vboxreload. It seems that sometimes virtualbox kernel modules are not working correctly after the machine wakes up from sleep.

Windows (Cygwin)

To use virtualbox make sure you have vt-x enabled in your bios. You might need to disable hyper-v in order to use virtualbox.

  1. Install Vagrant (1.7.4 or later)
  2. Install Virtualbox
  3. Clone this repo
  4. Do the installation in terminal:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater vagrant-triggers
$ vagrant up

In theory, Seravo WordPress should work even without cygwin installed, but we strongly recommend using Cygwin for doing WordPress development on Windows machines.

# Answer (y/n) for interactive installation script


  • Includes Nginx, MariaDB, PHP5, PHP7, HHVM, Redis and Git for running WordPress in modern stack.
  • Git hooks to test your code to make sure that only high quality code is committed into git
  • Advanced WordPress acceptance tests with Rspec and PhantomJS
  • PHP Codesniffer code style and quality analyser
  • Includes self-signed certs (and trust them automatically in OS X) to test https:// locally
  • Xdebug and Webgrind for debugging and profiling your application
  • Mailcatcher to imitate as SMTP server to debug mails
  • Adminer for a graphical interface to manage your database
  • BrowserSync as automatic testing middleware for WordPress

Mailcatcher can be used to emulate emails use mailcatcher.wordpress.local (vagrant).

Credentials for vagrant


user:     vagrant
password: vagrant

MariaDB (MySQL):

user:     root
password: root


The layout of this repo is designed in a way which allows you to open source your site without exposing any confidential data. By default all sensitive data is ignored by git.

All plugins are handled by composer so they are ignored by git. If you create custom plugins, force add them to git so that they are tracked or add new lines into .gitignore to not ignore.

Example of not ignore line in .gitignore: !htdocs/wp-content/plugins/your-plugin/

If you create custom themes, they are automatically tracked in git.

Best way to develop custom plugins and themes is to add them into their own repositories and install them by composer. You can do this by adding composer.json for your plugin/theme and then requiring them in your project like:

"repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": ""
"require": {
    "your-name/custom-plugin": "*"


Vagrant will let you know as soon as a new version of the Vagrant box is available. You may download the newest box via $ vagrant box update

To update your vagrant to use the new image run:

$ vagrant box update
$ vagrant destroy
$ vagrant up



Change name in config.yml to change your site name. This is used in quite some places in development environment.

Add production => domain and production => ssh_port to sync with your production instance.

Add new domains under development => domains before first vagrant up to have extra domains.

See config-sample.yml for more

The Layout

The root of this repository equals the contents of the directory /data/wordpress in the instance.

├── config.yml # See about Configuration above
├── composer.json # Use composer for package handling
├── composer.lock
├── gulpfile.js # Example for using gulp
├── Vagrantfile # Advanced vagrant environment and scripts packaged in Vagrantfile
├── tests # Here you can include tests for your wordpress instance
│   └── rspec
│       └── test.rb # Our default tests use rspec/poltergeist/phantomjs since we have found them very effective.
├── nginx # Here you can have your custom modifications to nginx which are also used in production
│   └── custom.conf # Default file with few examples to get started
├── scripts
│   ├── hooks # Git hooks for your project
│   │   ├── pre-commit # This is run after every commit
│   │   └──
│   │
│   ├── Wordpress
│   │   └── Installer.php #Additional composer scripts
│   │
│   └── run-tests # Bash-script as an interface for your tests in Seravo's production and development environments
├── vendor # Composer packages go here
└── htdocs # This is the web root of your site
    ├── wp-content # wp-content is moved out of core
    │   ├── mu-plugins
    │   ├── plugins
    │   ├── themes
    │   └── languages
    ├── wp-config.php
    ├── index.php
    └── wordpress # Wordpress Core installed by composer
        ├── wp-admin
        ├── index.php
        ├── wp-load.php
        └── ...

WordPress plugins

The composer.json contains some plugins and themes that are likely to be useful for pretty much every installation. For particular use cases see our list of recommended plugins at

Note that all plugins are installed, but not active by default. To activate them, run vagrant ssh -c "wp plugin activate --all".


Directory layout heavily inspired by roots/bedrock Development stack inspired by VVV