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Nest.js MinIO Module

A tiny package to make a bridge between Nest.js DI system and MinIO client instance.

Table of Contents


You can install nestjs-minio-module using npm or yarn:

npm i nestjs-minio-module minio --save
# or
yarn add nestjs-minio-module minio

The package also requires it's peer dependencies to be installed. Likely you already have @nestjs/common installed - that is the reason why it is not specified in the snippet above.


You may register MinioModule synchronously as follows.

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { MinioModule } from 'nestjs-minio-module';

imports: [
      endPoint: '',
      port: 1337,
      useSSL: true,
      accessKey: 'minio_access_key',
      secretKey: 'minio_secret_key'
export class AppModule {}

MinioModule may also be registered asynchronously with a factory or a value. Let's imagine we are using a ConfigService and want to get MinIO options from it. We may do it as follows:

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { MinioModule } from 'nestjs-minio-module';
import { ConfigModule, ConfigService } from '<config_module>';

imports: [
        imports: [ConfigModule],
        inject: [ConfigService],
        useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => configService.get('minio'),
export class AppModule {}

When registered, MinioService may be injected into Nest.js injectables as usual:

import { Injectable } from "@nestjs/common";
import { MinioService } from "nestjs-minio-module";

export class SomeService {
  constructor(private readonly minioService: MinioService) {}

  async listAllBuckets() {
    return this.minioService.listBuckets();

MinioService instance exposes all JavaScript MinIO Client methods as it's own. You may find SDK specification here.

Extending MinioService

You may create your own services extending from MinioService. It is a generic class so you may specify your own options type.

import { Injectable } from "@nestjs/common";
import { MinioService } from "nestjs-minio-module";

import type { MinioModuleOptions } from "nestjs-minio-module";

type S3Options = {
  publicEndPoint?: string;
} & MinioModuleOptions;

export class S3Service extends MinioService<S3Options> {
  public constructUrl(bucket: string, usePublicUrl: boolean): string {
    const protocol = this.options.useSSL ? "https:" : "http:";

    return usePublicUrl && this.options.publicEndPoint
      ? `${protocol}//${bucket}.${this.options.publicEndPoint}/`
      : `${protocol}//${this.options.endPoint}/${bucket}/`;

In case if you need to create a custom constructor you should not forget to pass options to the superclass. You may inject options using MINIO_OPTIONS symbol provided and exported from the module.

import { Injectable, Inject } from "@nestjs/common";
import { MinioService, MINIO_OPTIONS } from "nestjs-minio-module";

import type { MinioModuleOptions } from "nestjs-minio-module";

type S3Options = {
  publicEndPoint?: string;
} & MinioModuleOptions;

export class S3Service extends MinioService<S3Options> {
    @Inject(MINIO_OPTIONS) options: S3Options /*, additional dependencies */
  ) {

Comparison to other implementations

You may ask: how is this package different from a few other implementations of MinIO client in Nest.js?

Firstly, this package properly specifies it's peer dependencies. This means you don't get duplicate packages in your node_modules making the package smaller and as a bonus have support for a greater variety of versions.

Secondly, nestjs-minio-module properly exposes MinIO interface through a service, rather than a service field or a separate injectable.

Thirdly, this package allows you to create multiple instances of MinioModule in different scopes. You may have a module dedicated to accessing a MinIO instance in the same kubernetes container and another module accessing a remote S3 object storage.

And adjacent to the last point - this package is very easy to extend. It provides both generic types for its service and a symbol for accessing exported options provider.


Feel free to send any suggestions in GitHub issues or open a Pull Request with your feature.
