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ddir is a command line tool to calculate diffs between two directories and resolve them.

Check out the diff file format as well.


ddir uses shutil.copy2 to copy files and directories. This function tries to copy the metadata like timestamps as well. When copying data to an external storage device with a different file system, there is an issue with the accuracy of those timestamps:

To determine if a file is newer or older, ddir uses the st_mtime property, which is the UNIX timestamp as float. This float happens to be of a different accuracy depending on the storage device and file system. On all my internal devices (SSD and NVMe, APFS and ext4), the float has an accuracy of 6 decimal places, but on my external devices (SSD, exFAT) it only has an accuracy of 2 decimal places. This causes all comparisons to be not equal and thus a file is marked as modified though it isn't. This is why I implemented a sneaky comparison, that cuts of the overlapping decimal places without rounding them.


pip install ddir

This will install a binary called ddir on your PATH that you can execute. Depending on your system, you may need sudo/admin permissions.

Installation on macOS

brew tap yannickkirschen/tap
brew install ddir


Usage: ddir <commands>

Available commands:
    help                                - show this help
    version                             - show version
    init                                - initialize a source directory
    diff create <name>                  - create a diff for a target
    diff resolve <name> --modes <modes> - resolve a diff for a target
    diff list <name>                    - list all diffs for a target
    target create                       - create a target in interactive mode
    target list                         - list all targets
    target delete <name>                - delete target
    legacy migrate                      - migrate from legacy ddir

Fast mode

If you just want to compare change dates of files and not their content (md5 hash), you can use the fast mode. Set that option when creating a target.

Modes to resolve

The modes work like this: for each type (the order is +, -, >, <, ?) a number in the tuple indicates how to handle diffs of that type. There are the following modes:

  • 0: skip
  • 1: apply (type dependent, see below)
  • 2: choose manually

When choosing to apply diffs, the following will happen:

  • +, >, ?: override destination element with source element
  • <: override source element with destination element
  • -: delete destination element

The diff file format

A diff file stores the differences between a file or a directory at a source compared to a destination.


We call a file or a directory an element. The type of one element is either d for directory or f for file.

We differentiate between five diff types:

  • + (positive diff): an element exists in the source but not the destination
  • - (negative diff): an element exists in the destination but not the source
  • > (newer diff): the source element is newer than the destination element
  • < (older diff): the source element is older than the destination element
  • ? (unknown diff): the elements are somehow different, but we can't categorize them; used if files differ but change dates are equal; requires manual resolution

The diff file is a newline-separated text file with each line containing an individual diff. Each line has the format:

{diff type}:{element type}:{first element}:{second element}