The IMD gridded rainfall can be freely downloaded from
The script is to convert imd .grd gridded rainfall of resolution 0.25 degrees to NetCDF (.nc) format and extract the rainfall for region of interest.
There are 3 steps.
- (i) Creation of control File (.ctl) for each rain file (.grd)
- (ii) Convert .grd to .nc file using CDO tool.
- (iii) Extract the rainfall for region of interest (roi) and dump to .csv
Windows users having difficulty in using Climate Data Operator (CDO) command line tool ( from R can run the conversion from .grd to .nc from Cygwin using the following lines from the terminal
$ for FILE in *.ctl; do OUTPUTFILE=$(echo "$FILE" | awk '{gsub(".ctl",".nc"); print}'); echo $OUTPUTFILE ; cdo -f nc import_binary $FILE $OUTPUTFILE; done