This repo serves as a baseline template for anyone wishing to develop a Flask App that uses the spotipy library and needs to use OAuth2 to authenticate. I struggled quite a bit doing that and so I'm sharing this template in the hopes that it'll be easier for anyone to do this.
I've also taken reference from here which shows how to very easily include Plotly charts within Flask (without incurring all the trouble of having to integrate Dash and Flask).
Simply fork the repo and you can start modifying
to suit your needs. The template is designed to be run on Heroku. To ensure that it runs properly, you must set the following environmental variables within Heroku:
These can be gotten from your Spotify Developer dashboard. Ensure that the REDIRECT_URL is https:<your-heroku-app>
/ and that it is the same in both your Spotify Developer dashboard and Heroku.
Please do credit if you use this baseline. Thank you and all the best!