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Cookie Consent Manager

Provide configurable cookie consent plugin for Alma Career (formerly LMC) products. The package contains predefined Alma Career settings, translations and UI based on Spirit Design System.

The package is a wrapper around Cookie Consent by Orest Bida.

Table of contents

  1. Upgrade from version 1.x
  2. Basic usage
  3. Loading the plugin
  4. Manage features depending on the given consent
  5. Configuration
  6. Configuration options
  7. Theming
  8. Development and contributing

Upgrade from version 1.x

See upgrade guide for upgrade guidance to version 2.0. For complete list of changes see changelog.

Basic usage

Make assets load faster by placing pre-connect headers right after <meta charset> in your <head>:

<link rel="preconnect" href="">
<link rel="preconnect" href="">
<link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin>

Load default CSS along with your styles in <head>:

<link rel="stylesheet" href=";600;700&display=swap">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Load the script and initialize the plugin right before ending </body> tag:

<script defer src=""></script>
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
  initLmcCookieConsentManager('demo.example'); // use the name of your service, like, etc.

This will load the plugin from CDN and initialize the plugin with default settings.

As a next step, add a link to open cookie settings after the consent was previously given. This link should be placed somewhere in the page footer, usually near "Terms of use" and "Privacy policy" links.

<a href="" data-cc="c-settings">Open cookie settings</a>

đź‘€ See demo page with example.

Loading the plugin

Via CDN or static file

You can load the plugin from a CDN, as in the basic example above.

<!-- Note we use version "cookie-consent-manager@2", which points to the latest version of this series (including feature and bugfix releases) -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href=";600;700&display=swap">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script defer src=""></script>

Alternatively, you can also download the latest version from the Releases page.

Loading the plugin from CDN or static file is recommended mostly for static sites without their own build process.

Once the plugin is loaded, you need to initialize it using initLmcCookieConsentManager() method, optionally providing configuration parameters.

Via npm

For projects with their own build process for JavaScript, it is recommended to use the plugin via npm package @lmc-eu/cookie-consent-manager.

  1. Add the plugin to your dependencies:

    yarn add @lmc-eu/cookie-consent-manager


    npm install --save @lmc-eu/cookie-consent-manager
  2. Import the module in your javascript:

    import LmcCookieConsentManager from '@lmc-eu/cookie-consent-manager';
    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
      LmcCookieConsentManager('demo.example'/* , optional plugin configuration */);

    See below for configuration options.

    You can also look at the example with EcmaScript module syntax.

  3. Include default CSS in your HTML:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/@lmc-eu/cookie-consent-manager/LmcCookieConsentManager.min.css">

    or in your Sass stylesheet:

    @use "node_modules/@lmc-eu/cookie-consent-manager/LmcCookieConsentManager.css";

    Please mind the .css extension used in the Sass example. Using the provided .scss stylesheet is recommended only for projects that are built with Spirit Design System.

    See below for theme customization options.

  4. For projects that are NOT built with Spirit Design System:

    1. Include default font in your HTML:

      <link rel="preconnect" href="">
      <link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href=";600;700&display=swap">

      or in your Sass stylesheet:

      @import url(";600;700&display=swap");
    2. Or switch to custom font that matches the design of your project.

Legacy import

You can also use module with CommonJS import syntax:

    const LmcCookieConsentManager = require('@lmc-eu/cookie-consent-manager');

You can also look at the example with CommonJS syntax.

Note: We prefer to use modern ESM import syntax so this is marked as legacy.

With Webpack: Webpack prioritises the ESM import syntax over CommonJS import syntax. So resolve the main field as first: resolve: { mainFields: ["main", /* ... */ ] },

Manage features depending on the given consent

For "necessary" cookies it is not needed to check whether a user has given any consent.

However, for all other purposes, it must be explicitly checked whether user has given the appropriate consent category. This must be done before the respective cookie is set.

In case user rejects some (or all) optional consent categories, you must implement logic to remove current cookies (as well as localStorage) in your product yourself`, this library does not manipulate with the cookies by default.

Consent categories

Category Description
necessary Strictly necessary cookies are essential for user to browse the website and use its features, such as accessing secure areas of the site. These cookies are first-party cookies.
Some examples of strictly necessary cookies: Session cookies, Cookie consent cookies, Load balancing cookies, CSFR tokens, Language selection cookies, Region/country cookies, Performance cookies, Application firewall cookies and JavaScript check cookies.
For these cookies you don't need to check whether user actually has this category.
ad For cookies related to advertising
analytics For analysis and statistics
functionality For extended functionality (not covered by necessary category)
personalization For personalization based on user profiling (recommendation, etc.)

GTM (Google Tag Manager) scripts

GTM scripts are managed centrally in LMC, so if GTM of the product is managed by LMC, after implementing this library, you don't need to worry about conditions when to run them. The library sets all the required data to GTM dataLayer.

However, keep in mind you still need to take care (i.e. delete) of already existing cookies, even of those created by GTM scripts.

Custom methods

To execute custom code which depends on cookie consent use callbacks:

// ...
    onAccept: (cookieConsent) => {
      if (cookieConsent.allowedCategory('functionality')) {
// ...

Third party scripts loaded via <script>

To automatically load external scripts after a specific consent category is given by the user, modify the <script> tag: set type to type="text/plain" and add data-cookiecategory attribute with required consent category.

<script src="personalization.js" type="text/plain" data-cookiecategory="personalization" defer></script>

<script type="text/plain" data-cookiecategory="functionality">
   console.log('functionality consent given');

đź‘€ This feature is shown in examples. See also full documentation for this feature.

This feature is enabled by default. If you'd like to disable it, you can do so by overriding page_scripts value in config option:

    config: {
      page_scripts: false


Optional config parameters could be provided on plugin initialization as the second parameter, encapsulated in the configuration object.

initLmcCookieConsentManager( // when loaded as a module, these options are passed to `LmcCookieConsentManager()` instead
  'demo.example', // provide the name of your service, like, etc.
    defaultLang: 'cs',
    autodetectLang: false,
    onAccept: (cookieConsent) => {
      // custom code
    translationOverrides: { // overrides of the default translation for specified languages
      cs: { consentTitle: 'VlastnĂ­ nadpis', descriptionIntro: 'VlastnĂ­ ĂşvodnĂ­ text popisu souhlasu' },
      en: { consentTitle: 'Custom title' },
    cookieTable: { // cookie table for specified languages, shown in settings modal
      cs: {
        necessary: [
          { name: 'lmc_ccm', description: 'Cookie je nezbytná k uložení vašich preference týkající se povolených kategorií cookies', expiration: '1 rok' },
          { name: 'PHPSESSID', description: 'Cookie nezbytná ke správnému fungování webu', expiration: 'do konce relace' },
        // ad: [ ... ],
        analytics: [
          { name: '_ga', description: 'Nástrojem Google Analytics zjišťujeme, kolik lidí náš web navštěvuje a jak ho používá', expiration: '2 roky' },
          { name: '^_utm', description: 'Nástrojem Google Analytics zjišťujeme, kolik lidí náš web navštěvuje a jak ho používá', expiration: '2 roky', is_regex: true },
        // functionality: [ ... ],
        // personalization: [ ... ]
      en: {
        analytics: [
          { name: '_ga', description: 'With Google Analytics we determine how many people visit our website and how they use it', expiration: '2 years' },
          // ...
    config: {
      // overrides of the internal config of the underlying library, see

đź‘€ See extended configuration example

Configuration options

Option Type Default value Description
autodetectLang boolean true Autodetect language based on the value of <html lang="...">. If autodetect fails or if unsupported language is detected, fallback to defaultLang.
When disabled, force language to defaultLang.
defaultLang string 'cs' Default language. One of cs, de, en, hu, pl, ru, sk, uk. This language will be used when autodetect is disabled or when it fails.
companyNames array ['Alma Career'] Array of strings with company names. Adjust only when the consent needs to be given to multiple companies. Value "Alma Career" is replaced with translated legal name. See example.
consentCollectorApiUrl ?string '' URL of the API where user consent information is sent. Null to disable sending data to the API.
config Object {} Override internal config of the underlying library. For all parameters see original library.
displayMode DisplayMode (string) DisplayMode.FORCE (force) force (default) to show consent in a centered modal box and to block page until user action. soft to show consent banner on the bottom of the page and do not block the page before user action.
secondaryButtonMode SecondaryButtonMode (string) SecondaryButtonMode. ACCEPT_NECESSARY (acceptNecessary) Which button should be shown next to "Accept all". acceptNecessary (default) or showSettings (this option also hides link to show settings in consent text).
on* callbacks function (cookieConsent) => {} See below for configurable callbacks.
translationOverrides Record<string, TranslationOverride> {} Override default translation for specified languages. consentTitle, descriptionIntro and settingsModalMoreInfo could be overridden.
See example
cookieTable CookieTable {} Define a cookie table (shown in the settings modal) for specified languages and specified categories.
See above for example configuration

Supported languages

Translation of the user interface is provided in the following languages:

  • Bosnian (bs)
  • Czech (cs)
  • German (de)
  • English (en)
  • Estonian (et)
  • Croatian (hr)
  • Hungarian (hu)
  • Lithuanian (lt)
  • Latvian (lv)
  • Macedonian (mk)
  • Polish (pl)
  • Russian (ru)
  • Slovak (sk)
  • Slovenian (sl)
  • Ukrainian (uk)

đź‘€ See example of each language version


The library can trigger configured callbacks in various events. They can be used to execute custom functionality, for example, to enable some feature after user has given consent.

Each configured callback receives cookieConsent parameter - instance of the underlying cookie consent library, which can be used to call its methods or retrieve data from the cookie.

Callback Trigger event
onFirstAccept(cookieConsent) This function will be executed only once, when the user takes the first action (accept all/only selected/only necessary categories).
onAccept(cookieConsent) Any consent is detected (either given now or after page load if it was already saved previously)
onChange(cookieConsent, categories) Right after the user changes cookie settings. The callback receives also categories object containing arrays of accepted, rejected, and changed categories.

đź‘€ See callbacks example


With Spirit Design System

If your project uses Spirit Design System, you are almost done!

All you need to do is to add this plugin's SCSS to your Sass pipeline and use it instead of the default CSS:

// my-project.scss

// Add this line anywhere you import other third-party CSS, possibly somewhere close
// to the end of your stylesheet as it contains CSS selectors with high specificity.
@use '@lmc-eu/cookie-consent-manager/LmcCookieConsentManager';
Make sure you have node_modules and path to your design tokens in your Sass include paths.

Set up Sass load path so the Sass compiler can find stylesheets located in the node_modules directory (you will already have a path to your design tokens there, as required by Spirit Web):

# CLI command (possibly used in your npm scripts)

sass --load-path=node_modules --load-path=path/to/my/design-tokens my-project.scss my-project.css

Or with webpack:

// webpack.config.js

  loader: 'sass-loader',
  options: {
    sassOptions: {
      includePaths: [

Note: sass v1.23 or higher is required to be able to compile the new Sass modules syntax. You may need to migrate to sass since all other Sass compilers (and the old @import rule) are now deprecated.

Without Spirit Design System

A handful of CSS custom properties are available for you to customize the UI to make it match the design of your site. For example, to change the text color of cookie consent UI, load the default CSS and add the following code anywhere in your stylesheet (the order of which is not important):

:root {
  --lmcccm-text: #333;

đź‘€ See theming example

Full list of available CSS custom properties:
Category CSS custom property Description
Common --lmcccm-font-family Base font family
--lmcccm-base-font-size Base font size
--lmcccm-bg Common background color
--lmcccm-text Common text color
--lmcccm-backdrop-color Backdrop color
Links --lmcccm-link-text Link text color
--lmcccm-link-text-decoration Link text decoration
--lmcccm-link-hover-text Link text color on hover
--lmcccm-link-hover-text-decoration Link text decoration on hover
--lmcccm-link-active-text Link text color in active state
Buttons --lmcccm-btn-font-weight Button font weight
--lmcccm-btn-text-transform Button text transform
--lmcccm-btn-border-width Button border width
--lmcccm-btn-border-style Button border style
--lmcccm-btn-border-radius Button border radius
--lmcccm-btn-primary-border Primary button border color
--lmcccm-btn-primary-bg Primary button background color
--lmcccm-btn-primary-text Primary button text color
--lmcccm-btn-primary-hover-border Primary button border color on hover
--lmcccm-btn-primary-hover-bg Primary button background color on hover
--lmcccm-btn-primary-hover-text Primary button text color on hover
--lmcccm-btn-primary-active-border Primary button border color in active state
--lmcccm-btn-primary-active-bg Primary button background color in active state
--lmcccm-btn-primary-active-text Primary button text color in active state
--lmcccm-btn-secondary-border Secondary button border color
--lmcccm-btn-secondary-bg Secondary button background color
--lmcccm-btn-secondary-text Secondary button text color
--lmcccm-btn-secondary-hover-border Secondary button border color on hover
--lmcccm-btn-secondary-hover-bg Secondary button background color on hover
--lmcccm-btn-secondary-hover-text Secondary button text color on hover
--lmcccm-btn-secondary-active-border Secondary button border color in active state
--lmcccm-btn-secondary-active-bg Secondary button background color in active state
--lmcccm-btn-secondary-active-text Secondary button text color in active state
Toggle --lmcccm-toggle-bg-off Toggle background in unselected state
--lmcccm-toggle-bg-on Toggle background in selected state
--lmcccm-toggle-bg-readonly Toggle background in readonly state
--lmcccm-toggle-knob-bg Toggle knob color
--lmcccm-toggle-knob-icon-color Toggle knob icon color
Modal --lmcccm-modal-max-width Maximum width of settings modal
--lmcccm-modal-max-height Maximum height of settings modal (box mode only)
--lmcccm-modal-border-radius Settings modal border radius (box mode only)
--lmcccm-modal-bg Settings modal background color (defaults to common background)
--lmcccm-modal-text Settings modal text color (defaults to common text color)
--lmcccm-modal-section-border Border color of settings modal sections
Cookies --lmcccm-cookie-category-border-radius Cookie category block border radius
--lmcccm-cookie-category-bg Cookie category block background color
--lmcccm-cookie-category-hover-bg Cookie category block background color on hover
--lmcccm-cookie-table-border Cookie table border color

Custom font

Default cookie consent design uses Inter font loaded via Google Fonts as shown in the basic example. If you are not using cookie consent with the default design, additional steps may be necessary for you:

  • If your project is built with Spirit Design System, you already have the correct font linked in your HTML or CSS.
  • If your project is not built with Spirit Design System, you can switch to any font of your choice:
    :root {
      --lmcccm-font-family: "Open Sans", arial, sans-serif;

If you use a custom font like this, make sure you don't load the default Inter font and that you use <link rel="preconnect" ...> only to actually needed domains.

Development and contributing

Local development

Install package dependencies:

yarn install

Start local development server:

yarn start

This will make the development server accessible http://localhost:3000/ .


For commit messages follow Conventional Commits specification with LMC rules. The commit message will also be automatically checked as pre-commit hook.

To ensure the code passes linting and code style test run:

yarn test

To fix code style according to Prettier rules run:

yarn format:fix

Publishing package

Prepare release using yarn release on a local machine. Check the generated changelog and the bumped package.json. Then push to origin. GitHub publish action is then taking care of publishing package to


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


No releases published


No packages published


  • TypeScript 81.2%
  • SCSS 17.4%
  • Other 1.4%