Turn over cards get points
- Turn over one card cost 1 point.
- Rewards: If the card you turned over the suit matchs the previous one, then you get 4 point; if digits match, you get 16 points!
- Punishment: If none of suits and digits match, then reduce 2 points.
Didn't provide a external interface for rewards, punishment multiple, initial cost value and etc.But you can modify them in files.
To modify initial score in: "model/playingCard.m" -(int)match:(NSArray *)otherCards change value of the "int score = 0" to be what you like.
To modify the multiple of rewards and punishment go to "model/playing" Which you wanna modify the multiple following:
static const int MATCH_BONUS = 4;//Rewards multiple
static const int MISMATCH_PENALTY = 2;//punish multiple
static const int COST_TO_CHOOSE = 1;//points cost to turn over one card