Zignis is a command-line tool framework, based on Yargs. It can be used to make your commands and scripts interact with your project in same way.
- Less concepts(command, plugin, hook, config), but more powerful.
- All of plugins, commands, configs can be overridden in conventional order.
- Easily register a command to Zignis, so you can combine your team toolbox or workflow to Zignis
- A plugable REPL, it's not just like native node REPL, you can hook anything into REPL, which is also support await.
- Ability to extend command's subcommands in other plugins.
- Provide a simple code generator mechanism.
- Support organization plugins.
- Consistency
- Flexibility
- Efficiency
$ npm i -g zignis
$ zignis help
zignis [命令]
zignis application Application command namespace. [aliases: app]
zignis hook Show hook info
zignis init Init basic config file and directories [aliases: i]
zignis make <component> Generate component sample code [aliases: generate, g]
zignis new <name> [repo] [branch] Create a new project from specific repo [aliases: n]
zignis repl Play with REPL [aliases: r]
zignis script [file] Execute a script [aliases: scr]
zignis shell Quick shell [aliases: sh]
zignis status Show environment status info [aliases: st]
zignis completion Generate completion script
--version 显示版本号 [布尔]
-h, --help 显示帮助信息 [布尔]
Find more information at https://zignis.js.org
Please refer to the documentation to learn how to use Zignis, because you need to do the integration by yourself to make Zignis work for your project.
- Node > v8.0
- Chinese(中文)
- [English(英文)], TBD