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Ninja Auth0 module

This library provides a quick integration strategy for Auth0 authentication inside a Ninja Framework web application.

This module refer to the Auth0 WebApp Single Sign On guide, please read it to understand what it can do for your application. Then follow this README to quickly have an authentication system working. Note that all our classes mentioned here resides in sub-packages of

Quick start guide

Auth0 configuration

First, obviously, creates an account at Auth0. Thanks to their free pricing plan you'll be able to test and use this module for free on little applications. Then in your Dashboard create a new Regular Web Application. Don't follow the Java Quick Start guide, even if well written, you won't need those steps here.

For the test purposes :

  • Allows theses Callback URLs: http://localhost:8080/auth0/callback, https://localhost:8080/auth0/callback
  • Allows theses Logout URLs: http://localhost:8080/auth0/out, https://localhost:8080/auth0/out

And... That's all. The default configuration will be enough to test the module, check the Connections settings of your Auth0 application to test identity providers like Facebook or Google.

JAVA configuration

First, copy this dependency into your pom.xml file.


Then instantiates the modules routes by calling adding this line to your conf/ file :

    private Auth0Routes auth0Routes;
    public void init(Router router) {

Add our AuthenticateFilter on methods or controllers you want to protect, via annotation or route definition. For example :


Finally, configure your Auth0 application settings inside Ninja's application.conf :

    auth0.domain =
    auth0.clientId = yourAuth0ClientId
    auth0.clientSecret = yourAuth0Client-Secret

JAVA subject injection

Your routes are now protected. But you still have to bridge Auth0 authentication process with a user representative class. We provide a default way of working, with a simple Auth0Subject class containing some information about the authenticated user. To use it, simply configure Guice in your conf/ to use the corresponding token handler :

    protected void configure() {

        bind(new TypeLiteral<Auth0TokenHandler<? extends Subject>>() {}).to(Auth0SubjectTokenHandler.class);


Now you'll be able to received a Auth0Subject instance in a controller's method by adding @Auth0 Auth0Subject subject as a parameter.

Implementation details

Ninja Auth0 will combine with Auth0 authentication SaaS to provide your application a quick authentication management. It will get back a JSON Web Token from Auth0 and store it inside Ninja's cookie session. For each request, the presence of one JWT will be checked and according to your requirements a User or Subject will be popuated in your Context.

Ninja Auth0 module creates the following routes :

  • /auth0/login : triggers the Auth0 login process
  • /auth0/callback : callback when Auth0 has authenticated the user
  • /auth0/logout : triggers a Auth0 log out request
  • /auth0/out : default end route after logging out
  • /auth0/simulate/{value} : only in test or dev, allows you to bypass the Auth0 login procedure.
  • /auth0/simulate : only in test or dev, allows you to bypass the Auth0 login procedure by displaying a simulation form.
  • /auth0/doSimulate : only in test or dev, allows you to bypass the Auth0 login procedure (POST version of /auth0/simulate/x).

When a user tries to reach one of your protected routes :

  • Either the session contains a JWT, and then it's decoded (see below)
  • Or the user is redirected to the Auth0's configured login page

Once the user authenticates itself, Auth0 will call back this module in your application providing a JSON Web Token. The module tries to decode that Token and creates a corresponding Subject. Subject is an interface that should represents your user data ; it can be a plain Java object if Auth0's JWT provides you enough information, or more commonly it can be a DTO enriched by data from your database. If a Subject have been successfully created, then the JWT is stored as a cookie session (see Ninja's basic concepts). Note that this cookie's expiry time is set to the JWT expiry time, which means you can (must) control your session's life time only via your Auth0's configuration.

Note that when a user register with a login and a password, Auth0 sends an email with a verification link. While a user email address has not yet been verified, the default behavior of the module will be to display a 403 error page with a corresponding message.

Advanced usage

More configuration

You can also configure these settings inside Ninja's application.conf :

    auth0.loggedOut = Path to redirect to once logged out (default is /)
    auth0.forceHttps = If true, will force https in callback URLs ; else grab scheme from context
    auth0.claimsNamespace = Namespace to retrieve your user's meta data from Auth0 (see next chapter)

Auth0 user profiles

It's not recommended to keep large user profiles inside your Auth0 users meta data. But if you need some properties, check this page to create a rule that will populate your JWT claims with your own meta data. Then configure the auth0.claimsNamespace property according to the namespace you have set up in that rule. The Auth0SubjectTokenHandler will recognize your own meta data and populate a map inside each Auth0Subject. You'll be able to retrieve those values by using one of these methods :"boolean-property");

Note that it doesn't actually manage nested maps. The goal is to provide a quick access only to some properties you'll have to manage via Auth0.

In-app user profiles

Depending on your needs, you'll want to have authenticated users be related to some model class in your application rather than our Auth0Subject. Two steps are needed for this. First, make your user representative class implements our Subject interface. It doesn't require any method to implement, but it will allows Guice injection to work with the second needed step (see below). Here is a an example of what could be your user entity class :

    package models;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.UUID;
    import javax.persistence.Column;
    import javax.persistence.Entity;
    import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
    import javax.persistence.Id;
    import org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator;
    public class User implements Subject {
        @GeneratedValue(generator = "UUID")
        @GenericGenerator(name = "UUID", strategy = "")
        @Column(updatable = false, nullable = false)
        public UUID id;
        public String email;
        public Date createdAt;
        public String auth0Id;

Then, you'll need to provide your own an implementation of a Auth0TokenHandler, a class that will create your own User according to the Auth0 JSON Web Toolkit. If you only want to base your authentication model on the verified e-mail address of your users, you can also extend our Auth0EmailHandler, that provides a quick abstract e-mail based method. Here is a simplified example, based on previous entity class :

    import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
    import javax.persistence.NoResultException;
    import com.auth0.jwt.interfaces.DecodedJWT;
    import models.User;
    public class UserAuth0TokenHandler extends Auth0EmailHandler<User> {
        private Provider<EntityManager> emProvider;
        public User buildSubjectFromEmail(Context context, DecodedJWT jwt, String userId, String email) {
            EntityManager em = emProvider.get();
            try {
                return emProvider.get().createQuery("select u from User u where email = ?1", User.class).setParameter(1, email).getSingleResult();
            } catch (NoResultException e) {
                User user = new User();
       = email;
                user.auth0Id = userId;
                return user;

Important note : this example allows user registration, as it will create a user in your database. According to this, note the @Transactional annotation used. Don't use @UnitOfWork for the moment as there is actually a Guice persistence related bug ; not allowing such nested annotations.

Last thing to do, configure Guice in your conf/ to recognized your token handler :

    protected void configure() {

        bind(new TypeLiteral<Auth0TokenHandler<? extends Subject>>() {}).to(UserAuth0TokenHandler.class);


Now you'll be able to receive a User instance in a controller's method by adding @Auth0 User user as a parameter. You can also retrieve this instance by calling AuthenticateFilter.get(context, User.class); ; useful if you want to access it in an other filter (for permissions check for example).

In this scenario, you'll even be able to simulate a user by calling a /auth0/simulate/X route, where X is the user id or the email of your user (depending on what you used as a token handler). This route is only registered in dev and test mode, not in production mode.

If you still need to obtain Auth0 user meta data inside your token handler, and you have configure a Auth0 rule to populate your JWT with it, just proceed like this :


Filters & Global filters

To protect your routes, this module provides two filters :

  • AuthenticateFilter : Will check if user is authenticated and then use a token handler to populate Ninja's context.
  • CheckAuthenticatedFilter : Will only check if your user is authenticated. Useful if your token handler use for example a database connection but you don't need a Subject instance.

By default, global filters defined in your application are not applied to Ninja Auth0 routes. This ways you can for example use CheckAuthenticatedFilter as a global one. To apply filters to Ninja Auth0 routes, simply pass them to the Auth0Routes init method.

    auth0Routes.init(router, MyFirstFilter.class, MySecondFilter.class);


  • v1.0.0 Initial version
  • v1.1.0 Auto display simulation form for dev and test modes
  • v1.1.2 Configuration property allowing to force HTTPs
  • v1.1.3 Use Ninja's context path if set
  • v1.2.0 Context availability in subject builder + session cleared on IllegalArgumentException

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