Visit the live site here
- Live-voting is a realtime polling/voting tool that can be used in situations which have one person speaking in front of an audience.
- The primary benefit of using this tool is to get a quick heartbeat response from your audience. Or as we like to call it, a quick litmus test.
- A few example usages:
- Educational context
- Conferences
- Annual General Meetings
- Conference calls
###For a more in depth overview of our journey as a team through this project, please see the corresponding wiki.
###Current Version Features
Speaker POV
- Login/ Sign up
- Create event
- Create questions with multiple choices
- Share voting link either through Twitter or share event ID with audience
- Publish questions to audience (1 at a time)
- Results shown live
Voter POV
- Visit voting URL through Twitter's link or by using the event ID
- Vote on one choice per question
###Installation/Testing Instructions:
####Local installation
git clone git@github.com:zlahham/live-voting.git
cd live-voting
bin/rake db:create RAILS_ENV=test
bin/rake db:create RAILS_ENV=development
bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
bin/rails s
####Local Testing
NOTE: You need to have Firefox installed if you want the tests to run properly, as we are using selenium-webdriver
to run the JS tests. If you would like to use capybara-webkit
instead, you can just uncomment line 23 in the Gemfile and comment line 24, followed by running bundle
cd live-voting
###Technologies Used:
- Production: Ruby on Rails, Javascript, jQuery, Pusher, Twitter Bootstrap, SASS, PostgreSQL, Heroku
- Testing: RSpec, Capybara, Selenium, Factory Girl.
###Possible Future Improvements:
- End event
- Speaker can view summary
- Speaker can export data to CSV.
- Voter can view summary
###Team Members: