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Matthew W edited this page May 8, 2024 · 2 revisions


How do I set up a Turmitor?

Check out the Setting Up Your Turmitor page for a step-by-step guide.

How do I run the shell on the Turmitor like in the screenshots?

The server library has a method, TurmitorServer.get_terminal_interface(), that returns a valid window object. All you need to do is term.redirect() to this object, and you can run anything on it using For example:

-- Update the package path so that we can find the libraries required.
package.path = package.path .. ";lib/?.lua;lib/?/init.lua"

-- Optional if you want verbose logging:
-- local logging = require "logging"
-- logging.set_level(logging.LOG_LEVEL.DEBUG)

-- import the TurmitorServer library
local TurmitorServer = require "turmitor_server"

TurmitorServer.set_modem("bottom") -- or whatever side of the controller the modem is on

-- Get the redirect object
local turm = TurmitorServer.get_terminal_interface()

-- Enable automatic updating (unlike base windows, Turmitor windows do not
-- update automatically by default)

-- Redirect to the Turmitor window, storing the old terminal so we can return to it
local old = term.redirect(turm)

-- Run the shell (or whatever program you want to run)"shell")

-- Return to the old terminal once the program is finished.

I have a problem, what do I do?

First, check out the Troubleshooting page for some common issues and how to fix them. If your issue isn't there, feel free to ask in the discussions section of the GitHub repository, or make a bug report if you think your issue is related to a bug.

Can I contribute?

Absolutely! This is an open source project for a reason. If you have an idea for a feature, a bug fix, or anything else, feel free to make a pull request (or issue) on the GitHub repository.

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