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Ferdinand Calo edited this page Aug 5, 2019 · 1 revision
# Data Overview
File Ending: .consumable
Has Own Item: yes
Has TMT Model: no

Config location: ./assets/<packid>/config/consumables/<here>.consumable
Model location: none

Consumables are a quick way to add "basic" Food items into the game!

Few examples are at GEP!

Here the overview of the Fields in a consumable json config file:

  • RegistryName - the registryname, should be packid:consumable_id
  • Addon - the addon the consumble is in, e.g. fvtm:gep
  • Name - optional name field
  • Description - can be either a string (supports line breaks \n) or string array
  • MaxItemStackSize - max item stack size - optional
  • OreDictionary - optional registration into the Forge OreRegistry
  • ContainerItem - optional container item which is returned when the item is consumed
  • ItemBurnTime - optional item burn time, e.g. for using as furnace fuel
  • HealAmount - (integer) amount of "half hearths" this item restores on consumption
  • Saturation - (float) amount of saturation this item restores on consumption
  • UseDuration - optional "use duration" (in ticks I think it was)
  • WolfFood - (boolean) optional, if wolfs will accept this item
  • Drinkable - (boolean) optional, if this item is drinkable instead of eatable
  • AlwaysEdible - (boolean) optional, if the item should be even edible on full health

This datatype creates an own Item, as such you will need to create a ItemModel JSON and supply a texture,
this is a vanilla/forge process, as such customisation and other is not matter of FVTM.
The expected path for the model will be /assets/<packid>/models/item/<consumablelid>.json
The usual path for the texture is /assets/<packid>/textures/items/<consumableid>.png
For more info how the JSON should look, either take a look at GEP or vanilla minecraft.

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