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Warpball templates

Roman Chistokhodov edited this page Sep 23, 2024 · 6 revisions

Warpball is a set of visual and sound effects usually played when the alien monster spawns (gets teleported plot-wise) via the monstermaker entity. In original Half-Life such effect usually was implemented as a combination of env_sprite, env_beam and a couple of ambient_generic entities. Of course such approach is tedious and is prone to errors as a level designer needs to create bunch of entities for every spawn.

Featureful SDK aims at making the level designer life easier and provides ways of defining the warpball effect once. Then monstermakers can refer to the template and reproduce the effect defined by the template when they spawn a monster.

Defining warpball templates

Featureful SDK provides two ways to define warpball templates:

  1. Via the templates/warpball.json file (global for the mod, preferred).
  2. Via the env_warpball entity placed on the map (local for the map, deprecated).

The sample mod provides quite elaborate example of the templates/warpball.json file which you can use in your mod without modifications or adjust for your own needs. Using this method is preferred over the env_warpball as it doesn't require the modifications to the map if the level designer decides to change the template parameters. Also, the definitions are global for the mod, so the level designer doesn't need to put env_warpball on every map (and thus is free of burden of ensuring that every env_warpball on all maps is up to date with a current vision) which ensures that the played effect is universal for the mod.

Using warpball templates

To use a warpball template with a monstermaker the level designer should set a template name in the Warpball template parameter of the monstermaker entity. The template name is either from templates/warpball.json or the targetname of the env_warpball entity on the map. The templates from the file have a priority over the env_warpball entities with the same name.

For a quick start:

  1. Copy the templates subdirectory from the sample mod to your mod directory.
  2. Set Warpball template parameter of the monstermaker to auto.
  3. Upon triggering the monstermaker, the warpball effect will be played depending on the type of the monster it spawns.

templates/warpball.json file format

The file has a JSON format. This means that all string values (including key names) must be enclosed in double quotes. It's recommended to learn about this format before writing your own templates.

The root document has two properties: entity_mappings and templates.

Entity mappings

The entity_mappings object defines named mappings between the monster classnames and the preferred warpball templates. The mapping name acts as a template name itself.


"entity_mappings": {
    "auto": {
      "monster_alien_slave": "xen",
      "monster_alien_grunt": "xen_big",
      "monster_headcrab": "xen_small",
      "default": "xen"

The monstermaker which has auto as a value for the Warpball template parameter will choose the template depending on the monster's classname it's going to spawn. In this particular example the monstermakers that spawn alien grunts will use a xen_big warpball template and the monstermakers that spawn headcrabs will use a xen_small template. The default property allows to define which template should be used if the monster's classname is not in the list.

Entity mappings allow a level designer to care less about the template they want to choose for the particular monster as they can just rely on one mapping, e.g. auto.

The auto is not some hardcoded property. The user can give it a different name or define other entity mappings.


The templates object defines a list of named warpball templates with all of their parameters such as sprites, sounds, dynamic light, shake, etc.

Example of the named template:

"xen": {
      "sprite1": {
        "sprite": "sprites/fexplo1.spr",
        "alpha": 255,
        "color": "77 210 130",
        "framerate": 12,
        "scale": 1.0
      "sprite2": {
        "sprite": "sprites/xflare1.spr",
        "alpha": 255,
        "color": "77 210 130",
        "framerate": 12,
        "scale": 1.0
      "sound1": {
        "sound": "debris/beamstart2.wav",
        "volume": 1,
        "pitch": 100,
        "attenuation": 0.8
      "sound2": {
        "sound2": "debris/beamstart7.wav",
        "volume": 1.0,
        "pitch": 100,
        "attenuation": 0.8
      "beam": {
        "sprite": "sprites/lgtning.spr",
        "color": "20 243 20",
        "alpha": 220,
        "width": 30,
        "noise": 65,
        "life": "0.5,1.6"
      "beam_radius": 192,
      "beam_count": "10,20",
      "light": {
        "color": "77 210 130",
        "radius": 200
      "shake": null,
      "spawn_delay": 0.4

sprite1 and sprite2 define sprites to be played. Each can define:

  • sprite - path to the sprite.
  • color - RGB value.
  • alpha - opacity.
  • scale - the sprite scale.
  • framerate - the animation speed (frames per second).

sound1 and sound2 define sounds to be played. Each can define:

  • sound - path to the sound in sound directory.
  • volume - the max is 1.0.
  • pitch - the norm is 100. Integer range.
  • attenuation (i.e. how the sound's volume decreases depending on the distance. 0.8 means large radius, 1.25 means medium radius)

beam defines the parameters of beams to be played.

  • sprite - path to the sprite used as a beam texture.
  • color - RGB value.
  • alpha - opacity.
  • width - how wide the beam is. The max is 255.
  • noise - the amplitude of the beam. The max is 255.
  • life - for how long (in seconds) the beams will render. Range.

beam_radius - the maximum length of the beams. When the effect is played beams will try to reach the surrounding walls. beam_count - the number of the beams to spawn. Integer range

light defines parameters for the dynamic light.

  • color - RGB value.
  • radius (default provided or inherited if not explicitly set)
  • life - duration in seconds (default provided or inherited if not explicitly set)

Set "light" to null if you don't want a dynamic light effect.

shake defines the shake effect.

  • radius
  • duration (must be higher than 0 to enable the shake).
  • frequency
  • amplitude

Refer to env_shake documentation to understand the meaning of these parameters.

By default the warpball effect doesn't have shake.

ai_sound defines the optional AI sound produced when the effect starts (e.g. to attract other monsters' attention).

  • type - the type of AI sound. Possible values are combat and danger.
  • duration - duration of sound.
  • radius - the effective radius.

By default the warpball effect doesn't make AI sounds.

sound1, sound2, sprite1, sprite2, light, shake and ai_sound can be set to null to disable the particular aspect of the warpball effect inherited from the base template.

spawn_delay - the delay (in seconds) between the start of the warpball effect and the spawn of the monster. This is not a part of the visual or sound effects, but it's convenient to define it in the template, so all monstermakers that use the warpball template will have this delay before monster spawn. The monstermaker instance can redefine the delay by providing the Delay before spawn parameter.

The spawn delay is an important for the gameplay: the player will have some time to react to the incoming portal before the actual monster appears. The numbers between 0.3 and 0.5 are good. While the delay is in effect the invisible hull is created to prevent other monsters and players from blocking the monster's spawn (note that other entities like doors and trains still can get in the way).

position - the object that defines the custom position of the warpball effect relative to the monster's origin. Currently has only one parameter:

  • vertical_shift - the distance (in units) between the monster's origin (usually at the monster's feet) and the center of the warpball effect.

If position is not defined the center of the monster's body is used.

Template inheritance

The warpball template can inherit values of another template. This can save a lot of time when defining new templates.


"xen_big": {
      "inherits": "xen",
      "sprite1": {
        "scale": 1.25
      "sprite2": {
        "scale": 1.25
      "beam_radius": 256,
      "shake": {
        "radius": 192,
        "duration": 1.0,
        "frequency": 160,
        "amplitude": 6
      "sound1": {
        "attenuation": 0.6
      "sound2": {
        "attenuation": 0.6
      "position": {
        "vertical_shift": 42

The template "xen_big" copies all parameters from "xen" tempalte and overrides the scale of the sprites, the attenuation of the sounds, the beam radius and also adds a shake effect.

Use inherits property to specify another template as a base.

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