Repo for GIGS Test Dataset files and associated code
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GIGS is an open-source digital testing framework designed to evaluate the capability of software in establishing and maintaining the integrity of geospatial data. It is primarily aimed at geoscience applications, but elements can be readily applied to any software that handles spatial data. The testing framework comprises a series of qualitative evaluations that assess software functionality and configuration, coupled with data-driven tests that quantify the accuracy and robustness of geodetic engines and libraries, in executing coordinate operations.
The GIGS Test Dataset provides source data for geodetic DDT (data-driven testing) in order to quantitatively evaluate software capability with respect to maintaining geospatial data integrity. In addition to the qualitative unit and integration tests that the GIGS Test Series provides, the GIGS Test Dataset provides a robust method of numerically validating the architecture, implementation and accuracy of an application’s geodetic computation engine and library, thereby identifying potential causes of any failures in geospatial data integrity.