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Initial setup

Minh Nguyen edited this page Aug 2, 2022 · 3 revisions

Start by cloning the repository and installing the required dependencies with pip:

git clone

pip install pillow termcolor console-menu


Install the required dependencies using pip and requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Next, create your config file:

  • Open a command line in the cloned repository.
  • Run SmartFrame with python3 and follow the initial setup on screen. Remember that refresh time can be changed later in config.cfg.
  • Once the config file config.cfg is created, open it in a text editor and set your output image size(s) with the following syntax:
    • Output resolution and scale factor in the form of 1920x1080s4, where 1920 is the horizontal resolution, 1080 is the vertical resolution, and 4 is the scale factor; a larger scale factor means more cards on the screen and smaller text.
    • On the line below, type the full file path that you want the image to output to. For example:
      • C:\Users\RaddedMC\Desktop\SmartFrameIMG.jpg
      • /home/raddedmc/SmartFrame1080p.png
    • The file name can be whatever you want it to be with a .png or .jpg extension, and in any directory you'd like

Please note that SmartFrame can generate as many images for different resolutions as you'd like, however, the config file must be formatted properly with a # between each pair of lines specifying a resolution/scale factor and image file path. Be sure to use unique file names for each image!