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Plugin list

RaddedMC edited this page Aug 13, 2021 · 6 revisions

List of plugins in Available Plugins/ by RaddedMC [1x1]

Screenshot of 1WifiStatus plugin -- 3/4 bars of Wi-Fi signal


This plugin will determine your wifi signal strength and display it in a 1x1 card with an icon. Pretty simple!


pip install Pillow termcolor pywifi comtypes access_points 1WifiStatus Icons folder in Plugins/ directory


  • Copy the plugin and '1WifiStatus Icons' folder into your Plugins/ directory
  • Run the plugin with your terminal
  • If you get a No wifi! error and actually have wifi, change the interfaceoverride value on line 22 of the Python file.

Extra info:

As this is a 1x1 plugin, it could show up in the top right corner of your time bar. If your time text is cut off, make sure to adjust the scale value in config.cfg. by Raminh05, RaddedMC [4x0-4]

Screenshot of ChromecastList plugin -- Descriptive info of what 2 devices are doing


This plugin is still quite experimental. There are some issues with the pychromecast library that we haven't yet optimized for. If SmartFrame crashes or takes longer than usual to generate an image, this plugin is most likely the culprit.


This plugin scans your network for Google Cast capable devices (Chromecast, Google/Nest Home, Devices with Chromecast built-in, etc.) and if they are playing something -- the plugin will display play state info (app name, song name, playing/paused state, etc.)


pip install Pillow termcolor pychromecast


  • Copy the plugin and Chromecast Icons folder into your Plugins/ directory

Developer info:

This plugin was made using the ObjectGroups template. by Raminh05 [4x1]

Screenshot of COVIDTrends plugin -- There are 3 less new cases in Ontario!


Using similar backends to NewCovidCasesMLHU and NewCovidCasesOntario, this plugin will tell you the increase or decrease in new COVID-19 cases in Ontario, Canada and London, Ontario, Canada. This plugin is capable of only generating a Card every 10 minutes, if enabled.


pip install Pillow termcolor datetime requests


  • Copy this plugin and the COVID-Trends-Icons folder into your Plugins/ directory
  • Specify True or False (case matters!) on line 12 to enable or disable the time intervals feature of this plugin. by Raminh05 [4x5]

Screenshot of Forecast plugin -- Detailed report of Toronto, Ontario's weather forecast


This plugin does have known bugs.


This plugin will grab daily weather forecast information from the OpenWeatherMap API. It also uses Mapbox to generate a map background. This is a large plugin and may not fit on shorter/smaller displays.


pip install wget requests


  • Copy this plugin and the Forecast-Icons folder into your Plugins/ directory.
  • Replace the API keys if you are able to. This will save API requests to Raminh05's personal account and prevent you losing access to your forecast plugin.
  • Fill in the city_name, country, and unit variables with your perferred information.
    • Enter your city's name in city_name. If there are multiple cities with the same name, specifying your country or region (state/province) may help.
    • Enter your country's ISO Alpha-2 code into county. Ex, "CA" for Canada.
    • Change unit to "imperial" if you're built different.

Developer info:

This plugin was made using the ObjectGroups template. by Raminh05 [2x2]

Screenshot of NewCovidCasesMLHU plugin -- There are 15 new cases in London, Ontario!


Using similar backends to COVIDTrends and NewCovidCasesOntario, this plugin will tell you how many new COVID-19 cases are in the London, Ontario area.


pip install requests


  • Copy this plugin into your Plugins/ directory
  • That's it!

Developer info:

This plugin was made using the SingleNumber template. by Raminh05 [2x2]

Screenshot of NewCovidCasesOntario plugin -- There are 510 new cases in Ontario!


Using similar backends to COVIDTrends and NewCovidCasesMLHU, this plugin will tell you how many new COVID-19 cases are in the London, Ontario area.


pip install requests


  • Copy this plugin into your Plugins/ directory
  • That's it!

Developer info:

This plugin was made using the SingleNumber template. by RaddedMC [4x2-6]


Uses nmap to scan for devices on your network and displays their Local IP address, Hostname (if applicable) and device vendor (if applicable). Works on any network that allows devices to communicate to one another!


pip install python-nmap


  • Copy this plugin into your Plugins/ directory
  • Make sure that nmap is installed in your machine (
  • That's it!

Developer info:

This plugin was made using the ObjectGroups template.

Philips by RaddedMC [4x0-4]

Screenshot of Philips Hue plugin -- A detailed description of RaddedMC's Smart Lighting system


This plugin has not yet been tested on RGB lights as no one on the SmartFrame team owns RGB Philips Hue lights. Let us know how this plugin works for you on our Discord!


Displays the state of your Philips Hue lighting system. Organizes lights by room and indicates how many lights are on, what room they're in, and how bright they are. This plugin will also indicate if a light is offline.


pip install phue


  • Copy this plugin and the Philips Hue folder into your Plugins/ directory
  • Enter the IP address of your Philips Hue bridge on line 11. The IP of my bridge is entered as an example.
    • To find the IP address of your Philips Hue bridge, use your router's web GUI or on Windows: go to file manager/Network
  • Pair your Bridge to your SmartFrame device by pressing the link button BEFORE running SmartFrame. This only needs to be done once.

Developer info:

This plugin was made using the ObjectGroups template. by RaddedMC [2x2, 4x2, 4x4]


Uses SFTP to grab a random photo from a networked file server and displays it on your SmartFrame.


pip install paramiko


  • Copy this plugin into your Plugins/ directory
  • Enter the following information into the variables on line 13 and below:
    • sshIP: The local IP address of your server
    • sshUsername: The username you wish to use to log into that server
    • sshPWD: That user's password
      • Note: This password will be stored in plain text! I highly recommend creating a special user that has read-only access to ONLY the specific folder you want to view. I am aware that storing passwords and API keys in plain text is stupid. Let me know if you want a more secure option and I'll build one!
    • sshPath: The file path on the server that you want to grab photos from
      • Note: You don't need to escape spaces as the code will handle that on its own. If you don't understand what this means, ignore this message.