Documentation and demonstration video link
(for programming stm32f103 microcontroller)
- Linux debian (to use make build system and code upload tool stm32flash)
- sublime/vi/vim/gedit any texteditor
- ARM cross compiler toolchain
- sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi binutils-arm-none-eabi
- stm32flash to flash the controller, assuming the controller has default factory bootloader
- sudo apt-get install stm32flash
- stm32f103 microcontroller, with default factory bootloader (must)
- usb to uart converter
- PL2303HX, CP2102, ftdi etc
- mpu6050 sccelerometer and gyroscope
- hmc5883l magnetometer
- ms5611 barometer
- rc transmitter and receiver
- I2c1 {PB6, PB7} -> GY86 sensor {SCL, SDA}
- UART1 {PA10, PA9} -> UART debug port {RX, TX}
- {PB10, PB11, PB12, PB13, PB14, PB15} -> RC receiver
- {PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3} -> PWM to ESCs of corresponding motors (Left Front, Right Front, Left Back, Right Back) of Quadcopter
- You will find the .sch and .brd, QuadF32 flight controller board designs in the Eagle_CAD folder.
- It would also include a generated .cam file that I used for building my board, I would request you to use a different cam file provided by your pcb manufacturer.
- The folder also does include .lbr library for the stm32f103 module, that I am using.