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Various File Information

Kai edited this page Mar 10, 2023 · 8 revisions


DIACRITICAL FILTER performs the equivalent function of the Center for New Testament Restoration Greek Character Tool programmatically. This tool takes in a document from a given filepath in Greek unicode, removes diacritical marks, lowercases the text, and writes it to a given filepath. To see what the online CNTR tool does, perform the following steps:

  1. Upload the source text to the CNTR Greek Character Tool
  2. Click Symbol+ under the Format category. Hit 'ok' in the popup
  3. Click Unicode under the Format category. The resulting text is now free of diacritical marks
  4. Click Download to save the text

GWORD (Greek Word) CLASS

The purpose of is to simplify and encapsulate Greek word strings and their verse lists. gwords have 2 attributes:

  1. word: the Greek word which this object is centered around
  2. verse_occurrences: a dict with keys as verses, and values being a list [verse, count]

GCLAUSE (Greek Clause) CLASS

The purpose of is to standardize the containment of clauses and their associated values. gclauses have 4 attributes:

  1. clause: The actual string clause itself, with prefix and trailing punctuation
  2. identifier: the prefix or line number that precedes the clause itself
  3. words: a list of Greek word (not gword) strings that the clause contains
  4. delimiter: the postfix punctuation of the clause

GRESULT (Greek Result) CLASS

The purpose of is to package the full clause and the verse result statistics. gresults have 3 attributes:

  1. clause: The actual string clause itself, with prefix and trailing punctuation
  2. identifier: the prefix or line number that precedes the clause itself
  3. verses: a dict with keys as verses, and values as a list of the format [verse, occurrences]