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Zoltan Kohalmy edited this page Apr 8, 2020 · 7 revisions


  • Backend: localhost:8000 (through Nginx)
  • Frontend: localhost:3003 (straight through docker, to copy the live architecture)
  • Nginx (on port 8008)
  • Docker + Docker Compose

Make sure you have fabric installed:

pip install fabric3

To start development, once you have checked out the repository run the following:

cd project-noe
fab dev.setup_db
cd docker-compose up -d
fab dev.loaddata


  • Backend: api.<domain>
  • Frontend: <domain>
  • Backend hosting: AWS EC2
  • Frontend hosting: AWS S3 + Cloudfront + ACL
  • DNS: Cloudflare
  • Database: AWS RDS (PostGreSQL)
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