Gluon Scene Builder is a drag and drop UI designer tool allowing rapid desktop and mobile app development. Scene Builder separates design from logic, allowing team members to quickly and easily focus on their specific aspect of application development.
Scene Builder works with the JavaFX ecosystem – official controls, community projects, and Gluon offerings including Gluon Mobile, Gluon Desktop, and Gluon CloudLink.
Scene Builder is open source, and it is freely licensed under the BSD license. Gluon can provide custom consultancy and training, and open source commercial support.
The best way to get started with Gluon Scene Builder is by downloading and installing on your developer machine the latest Scene Builder release.
See the documentation about the new features recently included.
For community support, go to StackOverflow.
Issues can be reported to the Issue tracker
Contributions can be submitted via Pull requests
Gluon Scene Builder is frequently released, and this is only required in case you want to fork and build your local version of Scene Builder.
These are the requisites:
- A recent version of JDK 8 for building 'master' branch
- A recent version of JDK 9 or later for building 'integration-9' branch
To build the Scene Builder services, on the project's root, run:
./gradlew clean build
It will create an executable jar under app/build/libs/scenebuilder-$version-all.jar