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sitMCella edited this page Aug 17, 2022 · 3 revisions

Learn Tool application makes use of Oauth 2.0 and JWT authentication. Learn Tool supports the local authentication and the Google authentication.

Local Authentication

The local authentication stores the user credentials in the local PostgreSQL database, and the passwords are encoded.

The user has to first register in the Learn Tool application. From the initial page, click on the link "Sign up!".

Login Local

Then register the user from the "Sign up to Learn Tool" page.

SignUp Empty

The fields "Name", "Email", and "Password" are required in the login form. Click on the button "Sign Up" in order to register the user.

SignUp Fill

After the user has been sucessfully registered, you can authenticate to the Learn Tool application from the Login page.

Login Fill

Google Authentication

Learn Tool supports the Google authentication using Oauth 2.0 and JWT.

Configure the Google API

Open the Google API console of your Google account:

Create a new OAuth2.0 client ID and specify the following as authorized redirect URL.


Configure the file "backend/src/main/resources/application.yml" with the Google Client ID and secret in the property "".

Register a new App in the Google OAuth consent screen page. Define the test accounts in case that the App is not still published.

Authenticate with Google

From the login page, click on the button "Log in with Google".

Login Google

Authenticate the user in Google. After the successful authentication, the session will be redirected to the Workspaces page.

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