The goal of this project is to program a robot that can autonomously map an environment and navigate to pick up and drop virtual objects.
Steps to follow:
- Create a directory tree to store all files
├── # Official ROS packages
├── slam_gmapping # gmapping_demo.launch file
│ ├── gmapping
│ ├── ...
├── turtlebot # keyboard_teleop.launch file
│ ├── turtlebot_teleop
│ ├── ...
├── turtlebot_interactions # view_navigation.launch file
│ ├── turtlebot_rviz_launchers
│ ├── ...
├── turtlebot_simulator # turtlebot_world.launch file
│ ├── turtlebot_gazebo
│ ├── ...
├── # Your packages and direcotries
├── World # world files
│ ├── ...
├── ShellScripts # shell scripts files
│ ├── ...
├──RvizConfig # rviz configuration files
│ ├── ...
├──wall_follower # wall_follower C++ node
│ ├── src/wall_follower.cpp
│ ├── ...
├──pick_objects # pick_objects C++ node
│ ├── src/pick_objects.cpp
│ ├── ...
├──add_markers # add_marker C++ node
│ ├── src/add_markers.cpp
│ ├── ...
- Download the following ROS packages
- gmapping
- turtlebot_teleop
- turtlebot_rviz_launches
- turtlebot_gazebo
- Create the following shell script files
- use to test the ROS navigation stack
- test the slam package using teleop package
- implement a C++ wall follower node used to map the environment
- implement a C++ node to add virtual objects to the map
- implement a C++ node to pick up and drop a virtual object in pre-defined locations.
- putting all together, the robot, autonomously, drive to pick up location to pick the object and move it to drop location.
The video with complete task can be seen here