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Release Notes

Fabio Silva edited this page Aug 22, 2022 · 7 revisions

Broadband Platform 22.4.0

This is a full release of the Broadband Platform, and includes several major updates and bug fixes. Below is a summary of the improvements and changes included in this release of the Broadband Platform.

Method updates

  • Included multi-segment rupture support for GP, SDSU, Irikura 1, Irikura 2, and Song simulation methods. Currently provided multi-segment validation events are Landers, Ridgecrest 19C, and San Simeon.

  • Updated GP low-frequency module (jbsim) to perform time-shifting in the time domain instead of frequency domain. This avoids calculating numerous FFTs and results in a significant processing speedup of 10x, and benefits all simulation modules that use the GP low-frequency code.

  • Modified UCSB simulation method to include support for double corner frequency (DCF)

Other improvements

  • Included FAS validation module that produces FAS Goodness-of-Fitness plots, for a better seismological interpretation of the results. This is in addition to the PSA validation that is the main metric for design in engineering.

  • Updated the GP rupture generator to genslip-5.5.2 and the high-frequency code to hb_high_6.0.5.

  • Added Green's Functions and validation events for the Southern Walker Lane region (Southern Sierra Nevada) of California. Validation events include the 2019 Ridgecrest sequence.

  • Expanded the GP GoF module to include a Vs30 GoF plot (similar to the distance and map GoF plots) that can be used to show GoF bias related to stations' Vs30s.

Broadband Platform 19.4.0

This full release of the Broadband Platform includes several new features and bug fixes. Below is a summary of the improvements and modifications included in this release of the Broadband Platform.

Method Updates

  • Added the Irikura Recipe Method 2 simulation method to the Broadband Platform. It uses the same rupture generator as the Irikura Recipe Method 1, developed by Arben Pitarka, followed by the GP low-frequency wave propagation code. It then uses a high-frequency module developed by NIED.

  • Both Song and Irikura Recipe Method 1 methods now support multi-segment ruptures. These two methods create a version 2.0 SRF file that can be used directly by the GP wave propagation codes and allows a single Broadband Platform simulation to include all segments from a multi-plane rupture.

  • Used the GP site response module in all California and Japan validation events.

  • Upgraded the SDSU BBToolbox package to version 2.1, with time-domain merging of LF and HF seismograms.

  • Re-calculated Greens Functions for California and Japan using 500m/s as reference Vs, bringing the computed synthetic seismograms closer to site conditions and requiring smaller corrections by the site amplification module.

Other Improvements

  • Updated the GP rupture generator to genslip-5.4.1 and the GP high-frequency code to hb_high_6.0.3.

  • Added Green's Functions and validation events for the Central coast region of California.

  • Extended the GP site response module so it can work with all 7 simulation methods.

  • Upgraded cluster simulation scripts for use with the Slurm job scheduler. The original collection of scripts using PBS is still available for reference.

Broadband Platform 17.3.0

This full release of the Broadband Platform includes the following features and bug fixes. Below is a summary of the improvements and modifications included in this release of the Broadband Platform.

Method Updates

  • Added the Irikura Recipe Method 1 simulation method to the Broadband Platform. It includes a new rupture generator module developed by Arben Pitarka to generate a SRF file. Then, it uses the GP method wave propagation codes to generate low- and high-frequency seismograms.

  • Updated GP rupture generator code to genslip-5.2.2. This new version of genslip accepts three new parameters used for the simulation of multi-segment ruptures, where time series can be generated segment by segment and then added together before post-processing is done.

  • Updated GP module to improve the merging of low- and high-frequency seismograms.

General Improvements

  • Added a FAS calculation module to the Platform. Work contributed by Jeff Bayless using David Boore's 'smc2fs2' and 'asc2smc' codes. The FAS module produces per-station plots with both N/S and E/W components, along with the smoothed EAS (effective amplitude spectrum) of the two horizontal components.

  • Included the calculation of zeta parameter in the RZZ2015 module.

  • Added the Central United States simulation region, contributed by Mehrdad Hosseini and Paul Somerville. This includes a new set of Green's functions, calculated up to 1800km.

  • Fixed issue in the Anderson GoF and RZZ2015 codes that was causing time series to not align correctly. Thanks to Kim Olsen and Rumi Takedatsu for reporting this bug.

  • Added two new scripts: '' and '' to the utils/misc directory. These scripts can be used to combine time series from a number of separately-calculated segments, allowing for a multi-segment rupture to be simulated.

Cluster Improvements

  • and include option for user to override default walltime. This allows users to specify a short walltime if they know a job will run quickly, allowing the job to be potentially quickly scheduled by PBS.

  • Added a '-s' option to both and to enable the use of the site response module. Currently only the GP site response module is supported (it is used for all methods).

  • Several modifications to the cluster scripts to enable multi-segment ruptures to be simulated. Added a '--segment' option to specify the segment number, a '--variation' option to enable the use of different sets of random seeds in the cluster. Also added a '--firstsegment' option to enable the scripts to find the first segment of a multi-segment run so that common seeds can be used for certain parameters across multiple segments (used by the GP method).

  • Cluster scripts now save metadata file on top-level simulation directory including all command-line options used to generate the cluster simulation. This is useful to track simulation parameters.

  • Added two scripts, '' and '' to the utils/batch directory. These scripts work similarly to the ones in utils/misc but can be used to calculate multi-segment runs using segments calculated on the cluster.

Broadband Platform 16.5.0

This full release of the Broadband Platform includes several new features and bug fixes. Here is a summary of the Trac items describing what is new in this release:

  • Trac #298: Define evaluation criteria for comparing BBP Releases
  • Trac #302: Fix matplotlib deprecation warnings for versions 1.3 and greater
  • Trac #303: Integrate RMG rupture generator module into BBP Platform
  • Trac #304: Update GP rupture generator code to version 5.0
  • Trac #305: Update BBToolbox to version 1.6
  • Trac #309: Update GP Rupture Generator to version 5.0.1
  • Trac #310: Update GP site response module to version 2014
  • Trac #312: Fix compilation warnings for various codes in the GP method
  • Trac #313: Modify cluster scripts to use scec-00 filesystem
  • Trac #314: Include parameters from RZZ2015 into BBP workflows
  • Trac #315: Include parameters from AS2016 in the BBP Workflows
  • Trac #318: Add PyProj version to software_status file
  • Trac #325: Respect module fails to run for observed seismograms
  • Trac #326: Add Anderson GOF to Broadband Platform
  • Trac #328: Update LABasin, Mojave and NoCal GFs
  • Trac #329: Add RotD100/RotD50 ratio metric to BBP

Broadband Platform 15.3.0

This full release of the Broadband Platform includes several new features and bug fixes. Here is a summary of the Trac items describing what is new in this release:

  • Trac #158 - Platform should write simulation results on BBP_DATA_DIR
  • Trac #200 - Add version number to BBP XML workflow description file
  • Trac #207 - Use real station distances in platform
  • Trac #227 - Convert UCSB method to use GNU compilers
  • Trac #228 - Convert SDSU method to use GNU compilers
  • Trac #239 - Add the NGA-West2 GMPE models to the Broadband Platform
  • Trac #261 - Make simulation inputs available in data output directory
  • Trac #262 - Add configurable line width option for BBP seismogram plots
  • Trac #263 - Include 3 GMPE models in the Broadband Platform for use in the East
  • Trac #264 - Enable LF seismograms module to accept input directory
  • Trac #265 - Update Match module to work with user-provided seismograms
  • Trac #266 - Update station list generator from PyNGA to allow for footwall and hanging wall stations
  • Trac #267 - Remove display requirement from station generation script
  • Trac #270 - Fix header in rd50 files in outdata/obs_seis directory in GMPE runs
  • Trac #271 - Integrate the UCSB 14.8 code into BBP
  • Trac #274 - Add option to validation cluster script to run only rupture generator
  • Trac #275 - Allow users to see missing velocity models when selecting a validation event
  • Trac #276 - Add random SEED used in simulations to HTML summary in outdata
  • Trac #277 - Copy SRC and method-specific parameter files to outdata
  • Trac #278 - Integrate SDSU BBToolbox v1.5.5.1 into Broadband Platform
  • Trac #279 - Run BBP on cluster using the same command on all nodes
  • Trac #280 - Add rule to GP method to calculate DX/DY automatically
  • Trac #281 - Label BBP methods that are not yet validated
  • Trac #282 - Update SDSU BBtoolbox to fix bug when calculating seismograms at >70km
  • Trac #283 - Modify directory structure in validation packages to add common input files directory
  • Trac #285 - Error parsing XML file created by BBP
  • Trac #286 - ExSim results incorrect for some close by stations
  • Trac #287 - Removed unused or obsolete codes and data files from Platform
  • Trac #288 - Increase array size in RotD50 code to avoid truncating timeseries
  • Trac #289 - Integrate Jan 2015 version of the UCSB source and wave propagation code
  • Trac #290 - Update BBP distribution directory structure
  • Trac #291 - Improve BBP command-line interface with more intuitive questions
  • Trac #292 - Rename LOMAP velocity model to NOCAL
  • Trac #293 - Include method name on html report in the outdata directory
  • Trac #294 - Update SDSU codebase with latest February 2015 changes
  • Trac #295 - Add support for varying rupture velocity in GP method
  • Trac #299 - README references icc compilers
  • Trac #300 - Add expert mode to
  • Trac #301 - Fix units tests test_vm2vm and test_s2v

Broadband Platform 14.3.0

This full release of the Broadband Platform includes several new features and bug fixes. Here is a summary of the Trac items describing what is new in this release:

  • Trac # 114 - Convert from f77 to gfortran
  • Trac # 146 - Move DT out of src file
  • Trac # 195 - Produce GMPE plot for validation simulations
  • Trac # 212 - wrong unit on respect plot
  • Trac # 213 - Remove unneeded GP_GOF parameters
  • Trac # 214 - Reduce volume of logged data
  • Trac # 215 - Modify SRF plot so that it uses same ALONG_STRIKE/DOWN_DIP reference as SRC file
  • Trac # 219 - SRC file should specify Mw, platform then calculates the seismic moment
  • Trac # 222 - Integrate new GP Rupture Generator v3.2.1
  • Trac # 224 - Add randomization in BBToolbox using the iseed parameter
  • Trac # 230 - Modify station list parser to accept float vs30 values
  • Trac # 232 - Add the decimation factor patch from SDSU to BBToolbox
  • Trac # 233 - Show epicenter location on all map plots
  • Trac # 234 - Add '08 suffix to current GMPE plot labels
  • Trac # 235 - Modify GoF plot labels
  • Trac # 237 - Rotate all multi-figure plots so they are viewed in landscape
  • Trac # 240 - Run LF and HF components in the UCSB method using separate GFs
  • Trac # 241 - Modify SDSU BBtoolbox to handle smaller-magnitude events
  • Trac # 242 - Integrate GP Rupture generator v3.3 into the Broadband Platform
  • Trac # 243 - Update GP jbsim LF program
  • Trac # 244 - Arias duration module fails when processing zeroed observation files
  • Trac # 245 - Make str_fac a region-specific parameter in BBToolbox
  • Trac # 246 - Capture and store resource information from shell
  • Trac # 247 - Allow user to specify hypocenter randomization area in cluster script
  • Trac # 248 - Add option to cluster script for user to run only the rupture generator
  • Trac # 249 - Add option to cluster script for users to specify SRF files to use
  • Trac # 250 - Correct NGA model labels on GMPE box plots
  • Trac # 251 - Integrate ExSIM14 into Broadband Platform
  • Trac # 252 - Integrate new version of GP high frequency code
  • Trac # 253 - Simplify makefiles and remove support for user-specified compilers
  • Trac # 254 - Integrate Feb 2014 version of UCSB code into Broadband Platform
  • Trac # 256 - Integrate SDSU model version into the Broadband Platform
  • Trac # 257 - Use SEED in SRC file for high frequency simulation in GP method
  • Trac # 258 - Require same parameters for cluster post-processing scripts
  • Trac # 259 - Produce map plots for GMPE runs
  • Trac # 260 - Update SDSU BBToolbox code to version 1.5.5

Broadband Platform 13.9.0

This full release of the Broadband Platform includes several new features and bug fixes. Here is a summary of the Trac items describing what is new in this release:

  • Trac # 38 - Running validation events with SDSU and incorrect station names causes a crash
  • Trac # 57 - Setting fmax=20.0 Hz in generates NaNs in output bbp
  • Trac # 80 - Add NGA attenuenation relationship
  • Trac # 82 - Separate validation files from GF
  • Trac # 83 - Separate GF into individual events
  • Trac # 84 - User selectable GF
  • Trac # 87 - Integrate Atkinson module into broadband
  • Trac # 88 - Integrate Irikura Module into BBP
  • Trac # 89 - Provide no site correction option
  • Trac # 94 - Add number cutoff distance and number of stations to bias plots
  • Trac # 96 - Add link to bias plot results into validation table
  • Trac # 98 - Rename main run script to
  • Trac # 100 - Rename urs modules to gp modules
  • Trac # 101 - add test to check for mixed spaces and tabs
  • Trac # 102 - Move plot files out of Greens Functions
  • Trac # 103 - Make site response optional in the platform
  • Trac # 104 - Use environment variables to find Greens Functions and Validation directories
  • Trac # 106 - Review BBP bbtoobox unit tests on
  • Trac # 112 - Collect additional metadata using CSEP environment script and generate full manifest for software distribution
  • Trac # 120 - Link velocity model and code to specific gf
  • Trac # 121 - full validation runs with src file or user selected srf file
  • Trac # 122 - Allow users to provide an alternative directory for input/output data files
  • Trac # 123 - reliable system for self reporting software version for broadband
  • Trac # 124 - Plot of station map with SDSU code base
  • Trac # 125 - Migrate pbs script and parallel scripts into svn trunk
  • Trac # 126 - move plots into bbp home directory
  • Trac # 130 - Amp Fac Unit test fails due to long filenames
  • Trac # 131 - Make parallel scripts configurable to run a number of concurrent instances
  • Trac # 136 - Move y2r2b.cpt file from URS_DATA/plot to BBP distribution plot/data directory
  • Trac # 137 - Rupture model png not copied to outdata directory
  • Trac # 140 - Add Arias Duration plots for bbp full validation sims
  • Trac # 142 - Add rotd50 routine to BBP
  • Trac # 143 - URS validation fails due to long file paths
  • Trac # 144 - Automatically adjust time series plot window to capture entire event
  • Trac # 147 - Convert peer obs files to bbp format obs
  • Trac # 148 - lowfreq corner of -99 in station list
  • Trac # 149 - Check in uwo EXSIM code into trunk with tests
  • Trac # 150 - Include the rupture generator in the validation workflow
  • Trac # 152 - Rupture plot appears distorted
  • Trac # 153 - Generate html option copies extra files to output directory
  • Trac # 154 - check rotd50 code
  • Trac # 155 - Fix units label on full validation seismogram plots
  • Trac # 156 - Enable rotD50 module to handle bbp and peer inputs files
  • Trac # 157 - Validate Broadband using ifort version 12.0 on HPCC
  • Trac # 159 - Make FMAX user-configurable in BBToolbox
  • Trac # 160 - Use RotD50 data in Bias plot instead of average horizontals
  • Trac # 161 - Bias plot should only include data within band-pass filter
  • Trac # 162 - Show band-pass bars on per-station plots
  • Trac # 163 - Create new bias plot showing fit over station distance
  • Trac # 164 - Move md5sums into validation and gf packages
  • Trac # 165 - Derive UCSB station list from Broadband station list
  • Trac # 166 - Derive BBToolbox inputs from Broadband inputs for validation runs
  • Trac # 167 - The 2 horizontal components in the PSa5/RotD50 bias plot are inverted
  • Trac # 168 - Create a KML file with stations and fault line
  • Trac # 169 - Extend RotD50 GOF plot range 0.1Hz - 100Hz
  • Trac # 171 - The geobb_srf script fails to find fault corners in certain scenarios
  • Trac # 172 - Check station names' length and abort if above max limit
  • Trac # 173 - Package GMPE code into the Broadband Platform
  • Trac # 174 - Introduce version numbers for validation and GFs packages
  • Trac # 175 - Integrate scripts to produce GMPE boxplots into the Platform
  • Trac # 176 - Randomize hypocenter location when running multiple validation realizations
  • Trac # 177 - Use same UCSB rupture generator binary for vertical and dipping faults
  • Trac # 178 - Plot station map with fault using SRC file
  • Trac # 179 - Create single component GOF plot
  • Trac # 180 - Generate SRF file in XYZ format for the SDSU method
  • Trac # 181 - Add Qp and Qs to the SDSU velocity model file
  • Trac # 182 - Make switch for randomizing hypocenter required on cluster script
  • Trac # 183 - Make SDSU seismograms module take regular station list
  • Trac # 185 - Implement resume workflow feature on the Broadband Platform
  • Trac # 184 - Check if SRF file exists if user wants to skip rupture generator
  • Trac # 186 - Make BBToolbox use magnitude from SRC file
  • Trac # 187 - Calculate HYPO_DEPTH automatically for the UCSB method
  • Trac # 188 - Add option for users to run the Broadband Platform on the background
  • Trac # 189 - Optimize arias_duration script
  • Trac # 190 - Remove duplicate tests in
  • Trac # 191 - Add simulation timestamp to index.html file
  • Trac # 192 - Integrate UNR Composite Source Model into the Platform
  • Trac # 194 - Enable cluster to run user-defined simulations
  • Trac # 196 - Create a map GOF plot with color
  • Trac # 197 - Create combined GOF for all realizations and stations
  • Trac # 198 - Whenever running binary files, print an error message if it is not found
  • Trac # 199 - Print error when velocity model doesn't exist for selected method/event
  • Trac # 201 - Update the BBToolbox version in the Platform to 1.5
  • Trac # 202 - doesn't work for Matplotlib v1.2.0
  • Trac # 203 - Integrate updated version of UCSB rupture generator
  • Trac # 204 - Support multiple colorsets on GOF plots
  • Trac # 206 - Regenerate acceptance tests for trunk
  • Trac # 208 - Add check to make sure number of stations is under UCSB's syn1D limit
  • Trac # 209 - Fix race condition for matplotlib cache file when running on the cluster
  • Trac # 210 - Increase array size is respect in order to handle larger seismograms
  • Trac # 211 - Increase CSM's station limit and check if station list is under new limit

Note: Trac tickets refer to the software bugs/features described in the BBP Trac Site